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My wine has lost it's shine....

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    My wine has lost it's shine....

    I'm currently up to 60mg Baclofen - struggled to get there, but thanks to support of this group, I made it through some pretty unpleasant side effects ( I know I'm a lightweight - always have been, probably always will be)

    So, last night, the perfect drinker's scenario unfolded. Home alone, no commitments the next day, good opportunity to get hammered. Except.....

    Weird thing number one: I almost couldn't be bothered to pour myself a drink. Whereas normally I would be itching to feel that numbing comfort of cold, white wine hitting the back of my throat and the top of my brain, I found myself reading my book, watching (as opposed to staring bleary eyed at) the TV. I eventually poured myself a drink at around 8.15

    Weird thing number two: It tasted unpleasant. Not really horrible, but just 'off'. I forced myself to drink it anyhow, poured myself another, took a couple of lame sips and then threw the rest down the sink :0 :0

    Weird thing number three: Thought it might just be the wine, so persevered (!) and poured a whisky and coke. Couldn't drink it - that went the same way as the wine and I replaced it with what was left of the coke. No alcohol involved.

    Thinking this could be the start of something. Feel a mixture of elation and fear (life will change if I no longer have my crutch - for the better of course, but I am pretty resistant to change in general, so will have to formulate a plan)

    Hoping the light at the end of the tunnel continues to shine (unlike the wine!)

    Awesome,let's hope you don't have to keep going up.I wish you all the best with your new found possible freedom.

    Cheers Stevo.


      Excellent news. Congratulations.


        Congratulations, Mycall!

        That change in taste was the first thing that happened for me, too. Very funny that you persevered. I've done that myself. lolol

        It definitely helps to have plans in place to replace your habit, so start thinkin'.

        So happy for you!


          That is great. We have another member here who reached indifference at 60mg. I too found the taste almost nauseating and w/o bac, I think I was very lucky
          and unless I'm on this forum, it's not even on my radar. I still come here so I don't get too complacent.
          Enlightened by MWO


            Yeah I'm on 60 mg a day but I have the 900 mg of gabapentin as a booster. which is a good thing because I don't think my doc will right past the official 80 on Bac. Gonna have him boost both scripts tho as I do find the need to pop an extra one every now and again before a social event or at a stressful time.... Oh and congrats mycall Its an awesome feeling isn't it.
            The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
            Friedrich Nietzsch

            Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.
            Benjamin Franklin


