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BACLOFEN - The greatest Alcohol abuse treatment medication to date

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    By the way, the reason my wife was drinking is not because she relapsed into AUD. She didn't fit in the DSM 5 criteria. She drank alcohol because her gastric band had moved up and was gripping her esophagus making it impossible for her to eat. She ended up losing 28 lbs in 2 weeks and in intensive care on a drip. She couldn't take her baclofen and the only relief she got and the only energy she got was by taking some alcohol.

    I want you to apologize for a slanderous comment which was totally unwarranted and I am surprised that a newbie would say such a thing. It's very hurtful of someone you don't even know and who nearly died from a gastric band problem. I am really disgusted. Your comment is very distasteful and hurtful and totally untrue because what stopped her drinking, dead in its tracks was that I finally found some liquid baclofen and she just went to sleep.

    Olivier Ameisen

    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


      Enlightened by MWO


        God dammit, Otter. That is totally uncool.

        Remember when your name was printed in the newspaper and all you had to do was google to find out all kinds of stuff that was really hurtful to you personally? Remember that you eventually got the newspaper to remove that information?

        I know that SF is a complete tool. I know you hold him personally responsible for harming you and your family. BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN IT'S OKAY TO PUBLISH HIS PERSONAL PRIVATE INFORMATION ON AN ANONYMOUS INTERNET FORUM.

        In fact, it's really, really unfair. What is to keep him from publishing your information here? Or mine??? Why would you expect him to have that kind of discretion when you continually break his anonymity??? Especially since we know that he is irrational and unreasonable?

        For fuck's sake. Let it GO.

        And for the official record, I am not saying this to defend in any way SF's reputation on this forum. Nor is it because I have any respect for him. I do not. I don't care one iota about SF. And just so you know, it's not because you keep sending me threatening emails and bull shit text messages, SF. It's not. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU AT ALL. I just think it's totally wrong to continue to post someone's personal, private, identifying information. I cannot imagine someone doing that to me. I would NEVER do that to anyone else.

        Otter, please delete the information you've posted. Please. It's just wrong.


          Otter, as soon as you delete the posts that you wrote identifying who Spiritfree is in real life, I will delete my posts related to that.

          In the meantime, you can expect to receive a barrage of emails and posts from me reminding you how totally unreasonable it is for you to continue to post his name on this forum. No matter how much of an asshole he is, or what he's done to you. Anonymity is paramount and MUCH more important than anything else on these forums, if there is ever going to be a place for people to get support and information here, they have to know that they can and will be completely anonymous.

          I mean, seriously, would you ever have posted here if you thought there was any chance someone would put your personal information on this forum? I would not have.


            What I find truly amazing about all this is that NO MODERATOR has taken care of it. The fact that this post has been on the site for 24 hours is a damning indictment. Not to defend SF. My outrage is that the Meds section got set ablaze a good long time ago and the people in charge of it have been absent.


              I can't find my posts identifying f..kface.

              By the way, the real issue is whether someone should be allowed to post comments anonymously AT ALL.

              The only protection one has in a free society against slander is to sue a person and hiding behind an anonymous name on a forum has been the subject of judicial consideration as to whether it is legal. It's only because this is NOT publishing that people can get away with it but it violates the essence of what a free society is about. You have a right to do what you want, within the law, and that includes the law of libel and slander but you take the consequences if you get it wrong. If you circumvent that by publishing things anonymously then you are failing to take the responsibilities which go with the freedom your own constitution gives you.

              So why is this forum now being moderated when it was not for so long? Go ahead and delete my posts or tell me where they are.

              I have a wife who is recovering after surgery for an "invaginated" stomach which nearly killed her. She was throwing up and her stomach got sucked up into her food pipe so she couldn't eat and could only survive on alcohol. But it's okay to abuse me and her by posting about a supposed relapse into alcoholism, saying her treatment didn't work, undermining us psychologically, trying to humiliate me.

              I have come to find this forum like some kind of mental headf..k and I really don't know why I bother anymore if people like that can come here and terrorize people in their own lives over a period of more than a year. WTF.



              Olivier Ameisen

              In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                On March 21, 2012, the New York State Senate introduced the bill numbered S.6779 (and A.8668) labeled as the “Internet Protection Act”. It proposes the ability of a website administrator of a New York–based website to take down anonymous comments unless the original author of the comment agrees to identify themselves on the post.[20]wikipedia




                Olivier Ameisen

                In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                  Originally posted by Otter View Post
                  I can't find my posts identifying f..kface.
                  That is because they have been deleted, presumably not by you. On around 17 May, you posted with information that identified him. Those posts have been erased.

                  I do not support the idiot, or what he says, but I do defend his right to anonymity here. Otter, please, please sit back for a moment and draw breath. I know what you are going through is just abhorrent, but I beg of you to take stock. Phil.

