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Baclofen, wellbrutin and sedoxil. And a glass of wine

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    Baclofen, wellbrutin and sedoxil. And a glass of wine

    Doc has me on 100 msg of bac but I take closer to 200. Now I am on 30 mg of sedoxil a day and 10mg of Wellbutrin

    I just had a glass of wine. Not the most sane feeling though I did. Take my mid day sedoxil with it. (Swaying on my feet)

    I'm going to have to go dry aren't I the doc got pissed at me for drinking on bac and uppd my mess.

    Anyone got any experience of this combo

    Been on bac for 3 years but the others are new. Now have to act sober to get a flight with a first date waiting for me on the other side

    Hi Adam, most of the members from the meds threads have moved to a new site, The End Of My Addiction | Forum Discussing Alcohol Medication, you might try there for answers and support for medications. Good luck!
    Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
    Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
    Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


      Originally posted by adam777 View Post
      Doc has me on 100 msg of bac but I take closer to 200. Now I am on 30 mg of sedoxil a day and 10mg of Wellbutrin

      I just had a glass of wine. Not the most sane feeling though I did. Take my mid day sedoxil with it. (Swaying on my feet)

      I'm going to have to go dry aren't I the doc got pissed at me for drinking on bac and uppd my mess.

      Anyone got any experience of this combo

      Been on bac for 3 years but the others are new. Now have to act sober to get a flight with a first date waiting for me on the other side
      Hi Adam -Wow, I am so sorry to hear that you are still experiencing alcohol challenges. You have a good place to discuss your AL problem.
      You say that you have been on Baclofen for three years. What dosages have/were you at? Did you ever experience a time during your Baclofen regime that you stopped drinking?
      Do you think that Baclofen helped at all -even just to slow down your consumption?

      I only ask you these questions in effort to try and help some of the rest of learn and educate ourselves. You are not the only one that Baclofen has not worked for in total.
      I am thankful that you are working with a doctor.



        maybe you should get a second opinion on your medication regime, why is your doctor prescribing you Sedoxil daily, i would ask him and point him to this reference

        Mexazolam - Wikipedia

        Mexazolam has been trialed for anxiety and was found to be effective in alleviating anxiety at one week follow-up, however, after three weeks of therapy mexazolam had lost its therapeutic anxiolytic properties becoming no more effective than placebo, presumably due to benzodiazepine tolerance
        benzos are terrible for long term anxiety treatment and are horrible to come off. maybe you should go see a psychiatrist to treat your anxiety with other antidepressants. certainly Sedoxil will only make your alcoholism worse as this potentiates the sedative effects of alcohol making it more addictive.
        01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

        Baclofen prescribing guide

        Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


          Originally posted by Otter
          Be careful who you engage with on this forum. Wilson 1 got me to disclose personal details and then used them to suck me into a very upsetting scenario which went on for nearly a year.and caused my family enormous anxiety. You should only discuss your personal affairs on a moderated forum such a EOMA where Wilson1 is banned.
          Otter, of all of the morons that I have ever known, you are in first place. Why would even say something like on a person's thread that is trying to get help. Otter, you are a self loathing moron. You try to hurt people like me on another's thread. YOU are one of the main reasons no one comes here. You are a loser and losers do not attract winners. Go to own forums and leave me out of your belittled world -pleas.


            Originally posted by Troll police
            If this sounds like the type of thing a drunk person would say- it is!

            He goes on these tirades every Friday and Saturday night pretending to be the messiah of sobriety. Just ignore him- he's only on here to play with himself and feel important about his drunk assed self.
            Troll Police -you are a veteran troller. I am sorry that this is your only way to feel good about yourself.

            Now, let us discuss 'David' (Otter) for a moment. Here we have a man who was forced out of his own country or be jailed, now lives in a country that allows him to freely operate his own Baclofen counseling/rehab center, and operates a sinister online mediation company. David is also a man who allowed his own wife to suffer severe DT's in his own house -according to his own words. David, if you are telling the truth about the condition that she was in and you did not seek medical help immediately, then you should be charged with a crime.

            Otter goes by at least four different names on this forum. Quite simply, it is my opinion that David (Otter) is a fraud and a scam artist and I was one of the stupid ones that caught up in his web. Please, do not be one of his idots as I wa; ignore him and never reply or privately communicate with him. Again, my opinion, he is one of the biggest scam artists that have ever known and got trapped with. NEVER enter your information on his Baclofen treatment center matter how desperate that you are.

            Note: troll police and Otter maybe the same person. This does not matter- just remembe that these are two harmful ( Baclofen only) minded people people who can will try to you you great personal harm onc they learn about you.
            Last edited by Wilson1; October 28, 2016, 10:11 PM.


              Adam777 please pay attention to what Otter said. Wilson 1 is a troubling nuisance who won't go away, The people who are bac users left here and are on the forum Endofmyaddiction. There will be no trouble makers there, I assure you.

              When Wilson1/sprit/spiritfree,etal joined he was successful with bac but b/cause he's a troll posted anti-bac postings and some where his suggestions were not tested or proven. The good people having success with bac, are on
              Enlightened by MWO


                Originally posted by Troll police
                If this sounds like the type of thing a drunk person would say- it is!

                He goes on these tirades every Friday and Saturday night pretending to be the messiah of sobriety. Just ignore him- he's only on here to play with himself and feel important about his drunk assed self.
                Yes, just ignore me. I might possibly be the only person on this section of the forum to tell the truth.
                Troll Police is only here on this site to guard Baclofen -no matter who they hurt in the process.

                I am sorry that we have had this controversy on your thread. Otter and Troll police (same) are simply not interested in helping individuals with AUD. Instead, they stand only for Baclofen and will try to any person who is not in their camp.

                I simply hope that you get the help that you need.


                Edit: whatever you do, please try to ignore Otter Very dangerous an harmful person.
                Last edited by Wilson1; October 29, 2016, 01:02 PM.


                  Pots and Kettles

                  Originally posted by Troll police
                  Look at all those drunken sentence fragments and spelling errors you drunk son of a bitch!
                  Originally posted by Otter
                  He is having a meltdown.

                  Originally posted by Otter
                  Aw , shucks Carl, I did t know you cared I love you too l'il buddy.
                  I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                  Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                    Originally posted by Otter
                    Yes but who is the pot, and who the kettle??
                    Thats the old Chicken and Egg scenario Otterly - Maybe Don Quixote can answer that one?

                    Do not feel too bad mate, I once "pulled" someone on some awful grammar and spelt grammatically with one M, Colin spotted it but other than that I got away with being a patronizing arse
                    I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                    Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                      This thread locks at page 2

                      I was trying to find a post by Neophyte about various SSRI's used in conjunction with baclofen. There was a super combo list as well but I was interested in the one Neophyte said worked. Anyone?


                        Originally posted by Umpalumpa View Post
                        This thread locks at page 2

                        I was trying to find a post by Neophyte about various SSRI's used in conjunction with baclofen. There was a super combo list as well but I was interested in the one Neophyte said worked. Anyone?


                        I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                        Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                          Thanks, Bac. I thought he mentioned a different SSRI which I hadn't heard of. Maybe I'm imagining things.


