1 I had no off switch. One drink would trigger mega cravings for more.
2 I had mega blackouts.
3 I was a messy fighting drunk with zero control over my behaviour
One year ago my doc put me on Lamictal. It calmed me down and wiped out a layer of wired agitated pacing depression but it wasnt enough.Then she put me on Abilfy maintena too and my 3 problems disappeared in a puff of smoke.That was it.I have been a normie now for 6 months. My off switch is fine. i am starting to forget what blackouts feel like and I am a calm stable drinker...well as much as anyone is. I started one last drug called Sertraline for residual anxiety and I never looked back. Obviously this means some types of alcoholic brain chemistry can be completely cured like a throat infection. I am lucky to have that type even if it took me 20 horrendous life destroying years to find that out.

P.s I forgot to say that I have never been psychotic so I have no idea why an anti psychotic would cure me.I can not relate to any of the literature on psychosis. I was just a binge drinking alkie who went batshit crazy with a capital B when i drank. It doesnt make sense but it did cure me.. I was actually a bit sulky when my doc suggested Abilify maintena. Thank God I lost that argument or I would not be home and dry today.Anyway it is good to know that life can be full of pleasant shocks as well as unpleasant ones. I never saw this cure coming which is not surprising after 20 years. I never saw bipolar/alcoholism coming either when I was young so it ended like it started ....with me looking the other way while the big event happened. Anyway I am sure that the local police will be delighted at the change in me. That is one less that they have to worry about now.