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Getting the runaround, what am I missing?

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    Getting the runaround, what am I missing?

    Hi everyone. I'm interested in trying naltrexone to help with my cravings when I stop drinking. I called my insurance to see about in network providers. Insurance told me to talk to our employee assistance program, who in turn told me they don't cover that kind of thing and to talk to my insurance people. I figured maybe I'd just pay for it myself but I've called a couple rehab places and One told me to call my insurance or forget it cause they didn't think I could afford it. The other, which is in my insurances network, said they only serve people on Medicaid and I couldn't have access to their services.

    This is turning out to be very frustrating. Can someone tell me what I'm done my wrong? How can I try this treatment if treatment places keep telling me to get lost?

    Re: Getting the runaround, what am I missing?

    Originally posted by Squanderer View Post
    Hi everyone. I'm interested in trying naltrexone to help with my cravings when I stop drinking. I called my insurance to see about in network providers. Insurance told me to talk to our employee assistance program, who in turn told me they don't cover that kind of thing and to talk to my insurance people. I figured maybe I'd just pay for it myself but I've called a couple rehab places and One told me to call my insurance or forget it cause they didn't think I could afford it. The other, which is in my insurances network, said they only serve people on Medicaid and I couldn't have access to their services.

    This is turning out to be very frustrating. Can someone tell me what I'm done my wrong? How can I try this treatment if treatment places keep telling me to get lost?
    Hello There,

    Sorry I am UK based - Know nothing about insurance situation but wanted to say hello and good luck - And a bump!


    I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
    Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


      Re: Getting the runaround, what am I missing?

      Hi Squander - check out the Vivitrol site. There's a link to providers in upper right. Hope this helps.
      Mary Lou

      A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


        Re: Getting the runaround, what am I missing?

        Wow they don't cover naltrexone; thats insane. We take sick leave here and you cannot be fired. If you have alcohol addiction in Canada you are given free rehab and paid to support your life. That drug has done wonders for me. Took a couple days to get used too, as it nulls almost all things like sex joy (Which does come back). I'm in Canada and currently have awesome benefits so I have no idea. Apparently its cheap in the states like 2$ which is nothing where as its $8.33 cents each here but I'm not currently paying for it and starting to use it differently as my stock will not last forever. So use on demand instead of the Govt of Canada's daily recommended use. Look up Mirtazapine in research. If you are a hacker you can get even more info from insiders doing research at a russian torrent site. Sci-hub. But you need to know what you are reading as its complex, but I'm graced to know what I'm reading. Its the largest leak ever of insider doctor information; beats everything.
        Last edited by empyr3al; June 16, 2017, 11:18 PM.
        "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein


          Re: Getting the runaround, what am I missing?

          Thanks Bacman, and hello to you too!

          Marylou I will check out that site, that looks like a promising start. Thanks!

          Empyr3al I'm not 100% sure what my insurance will cover and what it won't since they can't seem to give me a a strait answer. I was just tired of messing around with them and would happily pay for it myself, especially if its as cheap as you say, that would be great! I just need to find a pacethat will administer it to me and go from there.
          Last edited by Squanderer; June 17, 2017, 08:02 AM.


            Re: Getting the runaround, what am I missing?

            I checked with the online (overseas) pharmacies and it doesn't look cheap to me! Theses are the ones you can use if you don't have a prescription. Here is a list: List of Online Pharmacies - Online Pharmacies - The End of my Addiction


              Re: Getting the runaround, what am I missing?

              Originally posted by Mom2JTx3 View Post
              I checked with the online (overseas) pharmacies and it doesn't look cheap to me! Theses are the ones you can use if you don't have a prescription. Here is a list: List of Online Pharmacies - Online Pharmacies - The End of my Addiction
              Wow you're right, not exactly cheap! That list will be a good resource if I have to go that route though. Thank you.


                Re: Getting the runaround, what am I missing?

                If you can find a different GP to prescribe it; just submit it to your benefits and have done with it. Its not dangerous so there should be no reason a GP (doctor) would not prescribe it. That makes no sense at all if you are in need. If it costs a ton and your benefits don't cover it, look up the Dr. Sinclair method so you don't go squandering money.

                Mine are 50mg so maybe the numbers are off. I was told it was way cheaper in the states. There is also a shot that lasts a month that isn't legal in canada but you can get in the states. Ask your pharmacist what the expected cost is. Just the tips I can give.
                Last edited by empyr3al; June 17, 2017, 09:16 AM.
                "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein


                  Re: Getting the runaround, what am I missing?

                  Mirtazapine is cheap if you want a cross between depression and AL, it won't prevent you from drinking and makes you sleep but there is research if you look closer at the research forum. Only 10% difference in odds but its cheap. Like 20$. Its known as Remeron by brand name. Naltrexone on the other hand does something way different. Three methods of it, the shot which I cannot get. Use on demand in high risk and eventually you won't drink if you look up Dr. Sinclair. Or daily which is super expensive.
                  "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein


                    Re: Getting the runaround, what am I missing?

                    Originally posted by Squanderer View Post
                    Thanks Bacman, and hello to you too!
                    Empyr3al I'm not 100% sure what my insurance will cover and what it won't since they can't seem to give me a a strait answer. I was just tired of messing around with them and would happily pay for it myself, especially if its as cheap as you say, that would be great! I just need to find a pacethat will administer it to me and go from there.
                    Thats odd, I can log into my benefits and check every med to see if I'm covered.
                    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein


                      Re: Getting the runaround, what am I missing?

                      I do know the shot is $1200, which is a bit steep if I can't get it covered by insurance. Luckily the link Marylou posted has a fairly extensive list of providers in my area who prescribe naltrexone, or at least vivitrol which is the injectable form. So Monday I'll start calling around and see whats what. Maybe if I find a provider that works with my insurance they can help me navigate the crepuscular world of my coverage. Either way having a list of people who might be able to help has me feeling pretty good.


                        Re: Getting the runaround, what am I missing?

                        [MENTION=23854]Squanderer[/MENTION] you might want pill form if you are diligent. I use an app called Medisafe that I can have indicate its time for dose. Using campral and keeping specific drugs and vitamins away from another is important. I have a weekly 4 times a day (removable for the day) container that when my reminder hits I know what to do. Taking Campral is a challenge without using something like that. The Nal in pill form is quite simple but you can also decide not to take it. Its vastly cheaper than vivitrol shot. Like 250$ instead of $1200. But like I said it take persistence.
                        "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein


                          Re: Getting the runaround, what am I missing?

                          Pill form would be fine, I could stick to any schedule required. Unfortunately my search for a provider continues. I can't believe I thought it would be as easy as picking up the phone and making an appointment.


                            Re: Getting the runaround, what am I missing?

                            I just stumbled across the Sinclair method website. Apparently I can get a consultation and prescription online. This looks promising (and affordable) if its legit.


                              Re: Getting the runaround, what am I missing?

                              Canada prescribes 50mg a day and its done all the time as is the go to for ALC. There is no sinclair method knowledge or practice so that is up to you. I have over a thousand dollars in NAL at this point. Situational depression caused a relapse unfortunately. But I have enough to get through and stop this insanity. Best of luck. I cannot believe nobody will prescribe you it. Its safe and works. Safe to use with Campral, and Mirtazapine. Both shown to change you during your AF sessions. Not for use in the Sinclair method persay but I don't know. Never tried. But those other two have cross affects with AF life if you read enough. First get the NAL. 50mg any doctor here would prescribe; I'm sorry you aren't in a place that does that.
                              "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein

