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I had a follow-up doctor appointment today...

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    I had a follow-up doctor appointment today...

    I've now been on Naltrexone for two weeks and had a follow-up appointment w/my doctor today. I am so happy w/the Naltrexone and feel like it is is helping me so much (along w/the supplements/vitamins recommended by MWO). I told my doctor how everything is going, that I have been abstaining most of the time and just had three nights out where I drank 2-3 glasses of wine in the past two weeks. I could tell that she is genuinely happy for me. I felt a little bad that I had not pursued any of the other things we talked about (support group, counseling, or hypno) yet, but she said that it sounded like I may not even need all of that and it is totally up to me whether I want to pursue the rest. She also said I could stay on the Naltrexone as long as I want and to just set an appointment for a physical when I think I'm ready to go off of it. I am thinking maybe I won't even think of going off of it for at least 6 months (maybe 8 months to get through the Holidays) and she said that was perfectly fine.

    So, out of curiosity, I checked the diagnosis code she gave me and I'm happy to see that I went from '305.01: Alcohol Abuse - Continuous' to '305.03: Alcohol Abuse - In Remission'. Not saying that I am out of the woods yet. Its still only be two weeks, but for now, I feel very in control and hopeful that I can make this change for good. I am still going to pursue the hypnotherapy as my next step.

    Anyway, just wanted to share my good day w/you all. There have been so many times over the past few years where I just felt my battle w/alcohol was hopeless. I beat myself up over and over for not having enough willpower to stick to my good intentions and plans. And, I never wanted to admit it was a problem because I just assumed that I would either fail at fixing it or be miserable trying. And, now I'm doing something about it and its actually working. AND, its not miserable!

    A part of me wishes I had stumbled across this program sooner, but another part of me realizes that I probably wasn't ready until now anyway.

    I had a follow-up doctor appointment today...

    Atta Girl, Adagirl!!! So glad everything is going so well for you. Keep it up!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      I had a follow-up doctor appointment today...

      Thanks for posting this, you inspire me.


        I had a follow-up doctor appointment today...

        That's wonderful, hope changes everything doesn't it? It did for me.
        If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


          I had a follow-up doctor appointment today...

          Long term Naltroxene use.


          Way to go!!

          btw, I have read that long term -- 9 months -- is recommended use for Naltroxene for long term alcohol remission. So, it sounds like you are on the right track!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            I had a follow-up doctor appointment today...

            WHere is your diagnosis code--in your file??
            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
            James Gordon, M.D.


              I had a follow-up doctor appointment today...

              Java;150295 wrote: WHere is your diagnosis code--in your file??
              I always ask for a receipt and its on there. Its a sheet that has all the info about the appointment, what doctor I saw, what kind of visit it was, any tests that were ordered, diagnosis, and charges. They don't write out the diagnosis, but they put a code on there (like 305.03) and then I look it up online because I like to know what they are putting in my file.

              I should add that the only reason I got curious about these codes is because someone on here said they had issues getting private insurance after going to their doctor for their drinking problem and so I was wondering what exactly was going in my file. There is a whole code series related to alcohol...

              ICD-9 Code: Description:

              291 Alcoholic psychoses
              291.0 Alcohol withdrawal delirium
              291.1 Alcohol amnestic syndrome
              291.2 Other alcholic dementia
              291.3 Alcohol withdrawal hallucinosis
              291.4 Idiosyncratic alcohol intoxication
              291.5 Alcoholic jealousy
              291.8 Other specified alcoholic psychosis
              291.81 Alcohol withdrawal
              291.89 Other
              291.9 Unspecified alcoholic psychosis

              303 Alcohol dependence syndrome
              303.0 Acute alcoholic intoxication
              303.00 Unspecified
              303.01 Continuous
              303.02 Episodic
              303.03 In remission
              303.9 Other and unspecified alcohol dependence
              303.90 Unspecified
              303.91 Continuous
              303.92 Episodic
              303.93 In remission

              305.0 Alcohol abuse
              305.00 Unspecified
              305.01 Continuous
              305.02 Episodic
              305.03 In remission


                I had a follow-up doctor appointment today...

                I don't know how you guys cope with being so labled! Nothing like that in Oz. The only person who can look at our health record is the coroner! (not quite, but close)

                Ada, you are doing so well - please consider doing the other things like counselling and groups..... I believe it is crucial to live and breath sobriety until it is really cememted in your brain. Try not to rely on the drugs too much - they aren't changing the way you THINK about drinking or WHY you drink.


                (nearly 7 months sober!!!)
                It always seems impossible until it's done....


                  I had a follow-up doctor appointment today...

                  Flip;150311 wrote: Ada, you are doing so well - please consider doing the other things like counselling and groups..... I believe it is crucial to live and breath sobriety until it is really cememted in your brain. Try not to rely on the drugs too much - they aren't changing the way you THINK about drinking or WHY you drink.
                  Yeah, I know what you mean. On the one hand, it is wonderful that the meds/supps have given me instant relief from my alcohol problems. But, in another way, it is scary because I will eventually need to figure out how to handle it without the meds.

                  I've been reading more and more on alcoholism and came across this article that someone else posted on here (Alcoholism: A Physical Disease). There is a link at the end to take a quiz and find out what type of drinker you are. My type clearly comes up as the 'ADH/THIQ Alcoholic Chemistry'. If you read these articles, then, its no wonder that the Naltrexone is working so great for me. My body basically turn alcohol into an opiate-like substance and Naltrexone blocks the opiate receptors in my brain. Fantastic while I am on the Naltrexone. But, how do I deal w/this being my chemistry for the long term?

                  There is at least one study that suggests that drinking moderately while on Naltrexone is actually a good thing and will re-train my mind to disassociate the high feeling w/drinking and create a new association that drinking just makes me tired (because that's how it is on Naltrexone). But, I can't help but think that once off the Naltrexone, if I keep drinking at all, the reinforcement to get that 'high' will be there again and my drinking patterns will go back to what they were before. The reality may be that I simply cannot drink at all once I go off the Naltrexone. And, honestly, I am willing to accept that if the only alternative is going back to feeling out of control and overdrinking.

                  Another interesting study suggests that Naltrexone can be used on an as-needed basis. For example, maybe I stop taking it daily, but take it before going to social events where I might normally be tempted to drink too much.

                  Actually, I think a 1-on-1 session w/a hypnotherapist would help me a lot. I have some self-talk which I know without a doubt is logically wrong, but its still there. And, I think this has played the biggest role in why I overdrink at social occasions. These are beliefs like I must be the life of the party, drinking is a contest, moderation is boring, I can drink anyone under the table. For a large part of my life, my ability to drink a lot and never get hangovers had been something I was actually proud of. Prior to leaving my career to become a SAHM, I worked mainly w/men and many European colleagues. And, being able to go out and hold your own in the bar was almost a prerequisite for gaining respect and getting ahead. It made you part of the 'club' and if you didn't participate, you'd be seen as weak and forgotten when special projects or promotions came up. Not that this was the reason for my drinking, but it was reinforcing something I was already very good at.

                  Anyway, I am rambling. There is nothing on TV. All reruns and no booze to turn to. ;->


                    I had a follow-up doctor appointment today...

                    adagirl;150304 wrote: I always ask for a receipt and its on there. Its a sheet that has all the info about the appointment, what doctor I saw, what kind of visit it was, any tests that were ordered, diagnosis, and charges. They don't write out the diagnosis, but they put a code on there (like 305.03) and then I look it up online because I like to know what they are putting in my file.

                    I should add that the only reason I got curious about these codes is because someone on here said they had issues getting private insurance after going to their doctor for their drinking problem and so I was wondering what exactly was going in my file. There is a whole code series related to alcohol...

                    ICD-9 Code: Description:

                    291 Alcoholic psychoses
                    291.0 Alcohol withdrawal delirium
                    291.1 Alcohol amnestic syndrome
                    291.2 Other alcholic dementia
                    291.3 Alcohol withdrawal hallucinosis
                    291.4 Idiosyncratic alcohol intoxication
                    291.5 Alcoholic jealousy
                    291.8 Other specified alcoholic psychosis
                    291.81 Alcohol withdrawal
                    291.89 Other
                    291.9 Unspecified alcoholic psychosis

                    303 Alcohol dependence syndrome
                    303.0 Acute alcoholic intoxication
                    303.00 Unspecified
                    303.01 Continuous
                    303.02 Episodic
                    303.03 In remission
                    303.9 Other and unspecified alcohol dependence
                    303.90 Unspecified
                    303.91 Continuous
                    303.92 Episodic
                    303.93 In remission

                    305.0 Alcohol abuse
                    305.00 Unspecified
                    305.01 Continuous
                    305.02 Episodic
                    305.03 In remission

                    oh I would fear what my label would look like
                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                      I had a follow-up doctor appointment today...

                      Congrats on the follow up.
                      we are your support group
                      What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                      ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                        I had a follow-up doctor appointment today...

                        How encouraging. Good going.
                        My doctor also said that since I seem to be soing so well now AF for almost 4 weeks and very motivated to stay that way that she didn't think I needed to go into rehab (something a lot of people are pressuring me to do even though I really don't want to) and she suggested I continue with once a week counseling and join a therapy group but it is up to me what I want to do. I know I have issues to deal with but I feel like I'd do better in one-on-one therapy. I'm just not the type who likes to share my problems in groups (except this site, of course!). Anyway, I think just getting on top of the drinking has resolved a lot of my issues anyway or at least made them easier to define and clarify. And I feel so much stronger with the support I get here.
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                          I had a follow-up doctor appointment today...

                          Glad to hear the medication is working for you!

                          Can you share your experience with side effects, if any?

                          I can't believe all those alcohol codes! I had no idea.


                            I had a follow-up doctor appointment today...

                            Thanks for sharing the great news! Sounds like you are the right track.
                            Keep us update on your progress, as many of us are curious about this medication.
                            You gotta be kidding with all those stupid codes, that blows my mind.
                            Unfortunately, those numbers stay with us, until the day we die.
                            So be proactive with your doctors, and ask for a not so serious code.


                              I had a follow-up doctor appointment today...

                              beatle;150511 wrote: How encouraging. Good going.
                              My doctor also said that since I seem to be soing so well now AF for almost 4 weeks and very motivated to stay that way that she didn't think I needed to go into rehab (something a lot of people are pressuring me to do even though I really don't want to) and she suggested I continue with once a week counseling and join a therapy group but it is up to me what I want to do. I know I have issues to deal with but I feel like I'd do better in one-on-one therapy. I'm just not the type who likes to share my problems in groups (except this site, of course!). Anyway, I think just getting on top of the drinking has resolved a lot of my issues anyway or at least made them easier to define and clarify. And I feel so much stronger with the support I get here.
                              Congrats to you Beatle! I think ultimately everyone has to do what they are comfortable with. There is no one size fits all solution. I think a lot of us here get a huge amount of support just from this board. And, the online support aspect I think is one that most doctors don't really truly understand yet. I do Weight Watchers and go to group meetings and also use their online forum (similar to this). Honestly, I get a lot more support from the board than the actual meetings or my leader.

