So, out of curiosity, I checked the diagnosis code she gave me and I'm happy to see that I went from '305.01: Alcohol Abuse - Continuous' to '305.03: Alcohol Abuse - In Remission'. Not saying that I am out of the woods yet. Its still only be two weeks, but for now, I feel very in control and hopeful that I can make this change for good. I am still going to pursue the hypnotherapy as my next step.
Anyway, just wanted to share my good day w/you all. There have been so many times over the past few years where I just felt my battle w/alcohol was hopeless. I beat myself up over and over for not having enough willpower to stick to my good intentions and plans. And, I never wanted to admit it was a problem because I just assumed that I would either fail at fixing it or be miserable trying. And, now I'm doing something about it and its actually working. AND, its not miserable!
A part of me wishes I had stumbled across this program sooner, but another part of me realizes that I probably wasn't ready until now anyway.