I just wanted to start a new thread on Ibogaine. I basically stopped posting on this forum because I just simply forgot about it because for 3 years now, I have been totally indifferent to alcohol thanks to Ibogaine. I no longer spend every waking hour thinking about Alcohol and have just been busy living my Al free life and enjoying not being hung over everyday ;} I was think about how grateful I am for my sobriety recently though, and decided to post here in case anyone is looking into Ibogaine or especially for anyone that has not heard of this substance.
I think there is a lot of mis-information about Ibogaine but there are also some real concerns so I would urge people to do their own research and due diligence. When I underwent my treatment I had to sign a waiver that basically said "People have died from taking Ibogaine. We are not responsible if you die... sign here" which is of course very disconcerting, but my research brought me to the conclusion that all of the documented deaths occurred because the Ibogaine was not administered in a medically supervised setting, Over dosing on opiates (Ibogaine lowers your opiate tolerance to pre-addicted states so you can OD on a much smaller dose), or pre-existing heart condition that could have been easily screened with an EKG. That being said, people have died, so this isn't something to just try on a whim and should only be administered under supervision. Ibogaine has been around for a while, but it isn't that well studied due to it's legal status so there could be other long term effects that are unknown. The experience of Ibogaine itself can also be really intense. (You are basically paralyzed and tripping balls for 24 hours).
I think Baclofen is the only other substance that can make one "indifferent" to alcohol, and it's this 'addiction interruption" property that made me finally try Ibogaine, and for me it worked great. I basically had no cravings for alcohol since I have taken Ibogaine. Any attempt to quit that I made prior to Ibogaine would just end with me caving to the cravings within a day or 2. BTW. I tried baclofen but unfortunately the SE were really bad with me, and I just couldn't;t get the dosage up high enough to get to "The Switch" (where one becomes indifferent to AL). To be perfectly clear. I am not saying that Ibogaine is the only way to quit, the best treatment, or even that it's completely safe. All I am saying, is that it worked for me. It worked great for me. I drank heavily for 30 years and got so hooked that I was starting to develop tremors in my hands before I had my first drink of the day - If I "only" drank a 6 pack or 1 bottle of wine, that would be a light day. I tried to quit many times but could never make it more than a few days and was starting to worry that I might go in to seizures if I tried to quit because the withdraws would be worse every time. 1 treatment with Ibogaine was the ticket for me, so I would certainly recommend it to anyone who might be considering it.
Here are some links that I found today that seem good. The only organization I have any experience with is Sunrise Center where I received my treatment
The Global Ibogaine Therapy Alliance (GITA) - A good resource for general Ibogaine information. - The Global Ibogaine Therapy Alliance (GITA) -
Alcohol Addiction Treatment | Ibogaine For Alcoholism - Clear Sky Recovery -These guys have a great description of Ibogaine and how it works for alcohol addition. I would consider using them if I was looking for treatment.
Read here for more information on Ibogaine treatments. -This is where I received treatment. Mark and Haley were really compassionate, they answered all my questions and I felt like I was safe and the environment was very positive and healing during my stay there.
Peace- B