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Fear of Topa...

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    Fear of Topa...

    I was actually prescribed Topa several years ago, not for alcohol, but as an off label use for a chronic pain situation. After I read about the side effects I threw out the script. I had some very bad side effects from another pain med including some hair loss. I stopped the med immediately! Hair loss is difficult for men, but devestating to women.

    I think if you asked most women if they would rather be painfully addicted to alcohol and drink daily or lose their hair, most would honestly tell you they'd rather be addicted, seriously.

    When assessing the obesity side effect of certain meds and its signifigance, women were asked if they had the choice between a happy marrage and losing 10 pounds which would you choose? The overwhelming majority said they would rather lose 10 pounds!

    These things are not simple vanity, but are linked with a women's self worth and survivial mechanisims.

    So while I would love to do "the program". I am too scared poopless to try topa, because of the stupid thing--I can not be dopey at my job and the hair thing. It would be really nice to know the actual percentage of people taking the drug who experience specific side effects. This info is not easy to come by. The pharm companies are not always upfront about occurences of side effects, esp in real world applications. The experience of drugs and their side effcts can vary signifigantly when prescribed to large volumes of people as opposed to smaller controlled studies. For example, the amount of people complaining of hair loss on topa at is far greater than the "infrequent or rare" listed on the official site.

    Anyway, some day i may be brave enough to try.

    I would love to specifically know what the experince of taking topa has been like for other women here? Thanks for listening.

    Fear of Topa...

    I didnt get hair loss or dopey, but I have also noticed that side effects are worse if you go up in dose too fast, or if you are still drinking and taking the meds, neither of which I I lucked out.
    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
    James Gordon, M.D.


      Fear of Topa...

      Out, the program can be done without the topa. The supplements and CDs can really help.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Fear of Topa...

        Some people also do Campral. I had no hair loss-not even a strand. As far as the "dopa" effect-I'd just have that "on the tip of my tongue thing" forgetfulness. That went away after a few weeks.

        There is another thread here started by Paddy called Topa survey you night want to check out.
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          Fear of Topa...

          I was scared off by the possible Topa side effects as well. Not saying I would never try Topa if that is the only thing that would help me get my alcohol problem under control, but I decided I would try one of the other meds w/less side effects first. I went w/the med that is the preferred med under my insurance (Naltrexone) and it has been working great for me. I've had absolutely no side effects except that I was really very tired the first night I took it and had kind of a stoned feeling. But, after a good night's sleep (about 12 hours!), I woke up refreshed and have had no other side effects. I can't even begin to explain how much this drug has helped me. I have almost no cravings and it makes it so I don't enjoy alochol in the same way. I can drink, but I don't get high/buzzed (the Naltrexone blocks that) and it shuts off the need to drink more and more and more. I can easily enjoy and stop at 2-3 drinks now. Anyway, so even if you are scared to take Topa, there are other options that may be equally (or even more) effective. I would recommend trying Naltrexone if you want to mod or Campral if you want to be AF. From what I understand, Campral loses its effectiveness if you drink on it. Naltrexone does not. And, in fact, some studies show that Naltrexone is more effective if you mod on it because it gives your brain a chance to learn alcohol in a new (less reinforcing) way.


            Fear of Topa...

            Thanks folks

            I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday. I will investigate the other drug options mentioned and decide. I've ordered the cds and suppliments and will see how I do on those first. I don't often have uncontrollable cravings...sometimes during pms. I only crave after I've started and , so if I can find something that will help me keep it a a couple I'll be happy. Thanks much for your responses.


              Fear of Topa...

              I had none of the side effects. No hairloss or dopiness. I only had the tingling for a very short period of time as well. I got up to 200mg at one point and am now at 125. Hope that helps.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Fear of Topa...


                I have also used topa with no bad effects whatsoever - only good ones Like you I was concerned with potential hair loss (though I have since read that only a very small percentage of people are so affected) and took the advice given in The Book regarding use of particular supplement to promote good hair growth. I use a special Hair/Skin formula that I get cheaply from the supermarket and 'me crowning glory 'is looking particularly good these days!!!

                Anyway, hope this helps.


                  Fear of Topa...

                  Hair Hope

                  I used Topa and already had hair loss, and have done substantial research on hair loss in women in the past 7 tears - I mean years.

                  One thing I found out is that alcohol interferes not only with B vitamin absorption but specifically folic acid, which can be a huge hair loss issue. I tested this out not by sustaining my alcohol withdrawal unfortunately, although I'm starting again. I tested the impact of folate on hair by advising my doctor's assistant (the one who takes your bp and weight and shows you to your room) that she should take at least one mg (not mcg) of folic acid per day. A couple of months later I asked her, and she said her hair stopped falling out and she's so happy. Granted this is one sample and not a good study of the science, BUT you should know that this folic acid tip was originally from a posting online from a woman who wrote a hair-loss book and recommended taking up to 12mg of folic acid a day to turn it around.

                  While it hasn't worked on me yet, I'm also still taking in alcohol more than I should. So no matter how much you ingest folic acid, the alcohol still blocks its effectiveness. Too bad it's not 1mg/per beer, then I could just dose accordingly when I fail my program. On the other hand, what a motivation!

                  The moral of my story is this: If you take Topa and lose some hair, know you'll likely regrow it in 3-6 months after stopping the Topa. If you are already losing hair (before Topa) and you stop drinking with help from Topa, you may end up with more hair than before the Topa. It's an individual by individual situation and probably worth a try.

                  Hair and livers can both grow back, which is one of the miracles of our situation here.

                  Best of luck to you and everyone here!



                    Fear of Topa...

                    Well, I'm not a lady, but my doctor just took me off topamax after 2 and 1/2 weeks because at worst I was incoherent and at best I couldn't find the right words for much of what I wanted to say. Only 75 mg. daily reduced me to a what seemed like a blubbering fool. I was used to that when drunk but certainly not sober. This was just not acceptable, especially with the particular job I hold down, where proper verbal communication is a must. The doctor said that I was just a percentage of population that was particularly sensitive to the drug and took me off it, just like that. Hey, another side effect for me was that carbonated beverages tasted flat. My counselor said that this was also a side effect of the drug. I'm glad because before I talked to her I almost switched from coke to pepsi.


