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New member from UK requesting advice re sourcing baclofen in 2023 without RX ?

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    New member from UK requesting advice re sourcing baclofen in 2023 without RX ?

    Hi folks ..first post on MWO and hoping someone out there might be able to point me in the direction of an affordable reliable source of baclofen in August 2023 .

    I have seen several threads and the online Pharmacy suggestions but many of these are so outdated and /or no longer in business or scamming people it seems ( Goldpharma? ) .

    So far the best bets look to be alldaychemist and the Vanatau based pharmacy ..I forget the name . Not keen on the strange payment options but if needs be .

    Otherwise is the darkweb better? (if care is taken re reviews etc) ..or even social media sites where I believe drugs are sold ..likewise telegram etc ? I am 60 yrs old and out of the loop on the latter sources .

    There seem to be a massive amount of scam sites around too and people recommending them on places like reddit etc so I will be unlikely to order from a source without feeling it's likely to be reliable and I can find others who have positive feedback.

    I know it's a lot to ask but I have very minimal income and so particularly keen to find somewhere reliable with decent baclofen (at preferably a reasonable price) + have a good chance of it turning up !

    If anyone out there can help me with advice it would be truly appreciated and I would be extremely grateful .

    Hope I haven't broken any rules , good luck to all of you , thanks in advance and much love from Devon in the UK . Bx

    Re: New member from UK requesting advice re sourcing baclofen in 2023 without RX ?

    No ideas/ suggestions ...seems strange .. I had assumed many on here would be able to help but no luck so far .. oh well fingers crossed !


      Re: New member from UK requesting advice re sourcing baclofen in 2023 without RX ?

      Originally posted by satz123
      I'm in Ireland but cannot advise on where to get Baclofen. This forum was thriving at one stage and had threads devoted to Baclofen and it's merits.
      Now it seems to be dying off bit by bit and we cannot get in touch with the admins.
      So that is the reason you have not seen replies - posts are going missing & not uploading.

      Hopefully someone will see you request and answer

      Good luck
      thanks Satz ..I appreciate you taking the time to let me know . All the best , Bill


        Re: New member from UK requesting advice re sourcing baclofen in 2023 without RX ?

        Originally posted by mrsausage View Post
        No ideas/ suggestions ...seems strange .. I had assumed many on here would be able to help but no luck so far .. oh well fingers crossed !
        Hi Bill,

        Unfortunately the "love" of Baclofen on this forum has dwindled over recent years, hence the lack of posts.

        In the UK Baclofen is an off label medication, under the private system in the states, I believe it is "easier" to get prescribed this. As is in house rehab also. NHS, yeah....whatever.

        You will find in the UK, GP's are so shit scared of the GMC, that they would rather not do...than do... Makes sense in a way I guess if you value you pension and go to work for a wage rather than expand your knowledge and actually put yourself out to help your patients and be of use. Understand how Baclofen works, the side effects and the ways to use this medication correctly.....

        I was lucky and I found a fantastic GP and she prescribed me Baclofen. I was AF for 3 years until I moved and my new GP refused to continue my prescription, Cunt. I reported the later GP to the GMC but withdrew my allegation after my original GP said she was under pressure from the old bastards on the GMC.

        What a wonderful and brave woman she is.

        The issue with buying off the net is if you run out! If you run out it is big shit!

        Have you tried your GP, maybe read the consolidation thread, precis it into your own words and hand it to your GP. Notwithstanding the above, if you are taking Baclofen and are struggling to get a supply when you hand this to the GP, it may be a help!


        Last edited by Baclofenman; September 9, 2023, 12:11 PM.
        I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
        Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


          Very readily available from - I've used them for years.

