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Not sure where to post- having a hard time

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    Not sure where to post- having a hard time

    It's 7:45pm here on day 3 for me and I'm struggling. I'm not sure if I should post here, on the newbie thread or on the subscriber thread ( although it seems to be mostly people just joking around). I've done pretty good today coping and I went to the gym but man I'm having a hell of a time right now. The voice keeps saying " you are in misery and you probably are gonna cave anyway so why wait? There are plenty of people here who have gone weeks,months AF and THEY cave so what makes you think you're different?" shit like that. Does anyone else have these thought? I so much want to succeed. It's crazy... I could really use some input... Don

    Not sure where to post- having a hard time

    Day 3 Don............don`t chuck it all get`s easier........I`m coping really well now at day desperation to drink.........none at all!!!!!

    Stay with it.

    Starlight Impress x


      Not sure where to post- having a hard time

      Don, think how wonderful you will feel tomorrow when you wake up and know you are on day 4. You can do this. And please do not feel you cannot post in subscriber. We do like to have fun over there, but we are also there to lend a helping hand. Be strong tonight!!!!! You will be so grateful in the morning.....
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Not sure where to post- having a hard time

        Don, I know of what you speak. Three is a magic number for as well. I get that voice too after a 3 day streach of AF. I promice you tomorrow will be better. I will be cliche' now and tell you to "hang in there". Do something to disctract yourself. Listen to the CDs if you have them. They REALLY help during these times. If not, read a book, watch a movie, something.
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          Not sure where to post- having a hard time

          Hi Don- sorry you are having a tough time right now. Only think about right now and
          the morning. Don't think about what may or may not happen in a few days or weeks.
          Just make your goal be to not drink tonight. That is it...just not tonight.
          Picture yourself waking up in the morning knowing you are sober and you don't have a horrible hangover.
          Just keep thinking about that. Don't worry about tomorrow- that is not your issue right now.
          All you have to do is not drink tonight. Just not tonight. And I know you can do that.
          You will have met your goal if you don't drink tonight. We can worry about tomorrow another time.
          and cliches' are that for a reason so I'll say it too - hang in there
          You can do this.


            Not sure where to post- having a hard time

            Hey Don, this is coming from a Modster.


            You are a runner so you probably do what I do some days when I don't want to run. I say, "I'll just run a mile then stop if I feel like I want to." Then I keep running.

            So tell yourself, "I won't drink tonight and I won't think about tomorrow."

            You are going to feel much stronger tomorrow.

            Do something to distract yourself and call it a day.

            You can do this.


              Not sure where to post- having a hard time

              I know everything you all say is true. This is a bi*ch! I'm hangin' in there. Lisa, you are right---just not tonight, don't drink tonight... I'm going to bed in a little while and listen to the cd's.


                Not sure where to post- having a hard time

                you're doing it so far.....
                I'm looking forward to your post in the morning Don..


                  Not sure where to post- having a hard time

                  Listen to Lisa and the rest. I'm on day 7, Day 3 was very very rough, just try to to go to bed as early as possible and sleep through as much of it as you can if possible. Take your supps and take some melatonin for sleep if you have it. If you don't have it, buy some tomorrow.

                  The only thing I agree with AA about is "one day at a time". If you look too far ahead you'll go nuts. :h
                  Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                    Not sure where to post- having a hard time

                    Don, I feel yor pain but hang in there. I'm Day 4 AF but had a much easier time yesterday. I'll be ok as there's nothing in the house, but tonight isn't easy. Something that's worked for me is to ask myself what day I want to be on tomorrow. If I drink it's back to day 1 and I start over again. If I hang on it will be Day 5 and I'm that much further along.

                    You can do it!!!!!!!


                      Not sure where to post- having a hard time

                      Hey Don,

                      Just think - you had a 2 day stretch and the day 3 heebie jeebies got you last time. This time you are fighting it - AND it is so worth it. You are prepared and you can do this - you have a good plan, turn in early - listen to CDs.

                      If you cannot sleep, well - c'mon back to MWO. Hop on chat and introduce yourself. You will be more than welcome!! Read and post anywhere you feel comfortable, Chief. There are no restrictions as to where you can or should post - post where you feel YOU will get the most help!

                      Let us know how your evening went.



                        Not sure where to post- having a hard time

                        Hey Don,

                        I have that old voice too that has said, Well, you'll probably fail eventually, so why not have that drink?" Well, I'll tell you, as more days go by, that voice gets weaker, and you think of more reasons NOT TO DRINK! It can be hard at first, though, so you have to keep your positive goals in mind--why you're doing this in the first place!

                        Also, I'd like to give you a gentle reminder that there are lots of people who don't cave after a number of months or even a number of years. You might be one of them.

                        For right now, just take it one day, even one minute at time.

                        All the best,:l

                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          Not sure where to post- having a hard time


                          It has been an hour since your last post. Given your last note you hopefully are listening to your CD's or are asleep. If you happen to come back to this thread tonight, know that you are supported in this struggle.

                          I hope you succeed tonight. It is hard. It will be hard tomorrow but slightly less. Sure failure is possible maybe even expected. But what would you do tonight if it were impossible for you to fail?



                            Not sure where to post- having a hard time


                            Fight it as best you can, the voices are trying to bring you down but they can be silenced by your abstinance. Hush them up once and for all.



                              Not sure where to post- having a hard time

                              Chief - Hang in there, friend. The best thing to do is keep yourself busy until you go to bed -maybe some exercise, or some other activity that you wouldn't normally be drinking while doing. Make a list, and work your way down it. Or, just stay on line and read and post until you think you can handle it for the night. When I was in the early days AF I literally spent hours on here every night, and drank tons of sparkling water with lime, instead of wine. Tomorrow will be better, and the next day better, really.
                              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

