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Mold - Welcome to sound in a really bad place at the moment.
Please know it can be better. You have come to fabulous place to get the help you want.
Read lots and post lots. Tell us more about yourself. Do you want to stop drinking totally?
Take this one day at a time - one hour if needs be. NOt surprised about not geting past Day 2; it's the Day 3-4 thing that is so hard but loads of us here have done it as I hope you have read and ou can too.
You'll get tons of support so come back and tell us more. Are you in Europe or the US? Will depend on what meds you might be able to get if you want. And download the book if you haven''s really good.
Enough questions from me! Just welcome and hang in gets better. Loads better.
Love Finding xx:heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."
Hi mold and welcome.
We`ve all known the pits of despair as a result of our excessive drinking, and many of us have lost, or were in danger of losing, some of who and what is dear to us when we first came to M.W.O.
I never believed I could get my act together to quit drinking, but thanks to this site and all the loving, supportive friends I have made here, I am 40 days sober today. Trust me!!!!.......if this former "loser" can do it, you certainly can too!!!
Wishing you love and strength,
Starlight Impress x
Welcome Mold...
I have to say as someone who is still working on getting out of the same spot,
It's worth every agonizing moment...I'm not belittleing the struggle ahead of you,
It IS hard, but here are a bunch of ppl that you don't even know, that realy care,
I've only been here a week or so, and am still amazed by the wormth, suport, info
and general care I received...
We're all in the same boat here, some are ahead than others, but no one forgets where they were, and I think that's what's so judgment or criticizim... only loving suport comfort, and a nice nudge to keep you on your way... so read alot, post, come to chat if you'ld like, it's fun as much as it is comforting...
Glad to see you here, and great decision you made to change your life,
Good luck and God bless.Mike...
Am not taking any of the meds mold, but loads of members here are, who can better advise you on what`s available and their personal experiences of each med. I have been taking some vits and supps for the last couple of weeks though, as I now understand that our bodies need a whole lot of goodness in order to undo some of the damage excessive drinking has caused.You`ve made a wise choice..........I also tried and failed to moderate.
Starlight Impress x
Hi there, Mold... I am on Topamax and have found it to be VERY helpful . There are a lot of posts on this topic (Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds). Please stay with us, read tons of posts, ask a lot of questions. Remember to be kind to yourself in the begining and lean on us for support!!! You don't have to do this by youself, but you have to start somewhere...
My best to you,
MMFace your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.