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    You're not drinking and this is a start. Try not to look too far ahead. Keep it in the day, the moment if you have to. Get as much support as you can and above all, be kind to yourself. This is often the hardest thing to do when we have history's like ours. But it's essential. Nothing changes unless we give ourselves this.

    Best of luck,
    Be looking out for you here,




      I like what you're saying, now PROVE it. As you know I have been in your wife's position. Eventually for me it became all about actions, not words. Too many broken promises. This is just my point of view, whether your wife is at this point or not I don't know. I can only say to try very very hard to back up your words with actions. Just do it!

      Good luck my dear....we all have faith in you!


      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
      - George Jackson


        HOW CAN I GO ON

        Echome - I am so glad you got to work, talked to your boss and that he is on your side and that you had such a long, good talk with your wife....

        To me, THAT is what you must focus on....that and HOW that goes on increasing.

        You got to last week by drinking. But you got to talk to your wife for three hours where she said you were more like the man she fell in love with by NOT drinking.

        Please go on focussing on that and how much better it's going to be when you keep on walking, step by step, down the AF road.

        Step by step reasons will become clear, bridges mended, hearts healed....

        always remembering the positives as they build up for you.

        (The negatives are behind you now, keep them there. They are there to remind you of where you never want to go again but wallowing in them in your mind is a sure trigger...DON'T!!)

        You will eventually find a forgiveness to yourself (which you must to move on fully but which I believe is a gift we are all given
        at some point so don't go worrying about it at the moment) but for now look forwards and play the fact over and over that your wife talked for ages because you were sober. And you'll stay sober if you leave that first drink on the shelf in the store....

        Good luck, Echome - hang in there; Day 4 can sometimes be the toughest but YOU CAN DO IT.

        We are all with you every step of the way.

        Love FMF xx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          HOW CAN I GO ON

          Gwen Stefani : Video Player

          Echome, This made me think of you....not to mention my husband got arrested at a Gwen Stefani would be funny if it weren't so real.

          Echo...."give it everything that you've got"

          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
          - George Jackson


            HOW CAN I GO ON

            So you now know what you have to do have to get to the bottom of all the anger inside yourself and lay it to rest with the help of the anger management course.
            I know that the restraining order is hard on you, as you are desperate to see both your wife and wee girl, but take woman talks to a man for 3 hrs on the phone unless she still wants him.

            I said it to you have to clean up your act and prove to your wife that you are still the man she married.........your heart-to-heart on the phone allowed her to see that you are still a good man deep down. You want her?, commit to sorting yourself must swear to try never to drink again and you must also make a solemn promise to yourself that you will never abuse her again. And think of the knock-on effect such abuse is having on your wee girl..........

            You`ll do this.

            Starlight Impress x


              HOW CAN I GO ON

              Thanx guys. Its early here in Southern California. I was going to say somthing then I just started to cry. I need to give myself a break. Well this is day 3 AF It feels like a week becouse I have not slept much. Is it OK for me to be light hearted some times? I fell of a fishing boat last year drunk off my ass by 12:00. Started drinking at0500. So here we are in the middle of the Pacific and over I go. Ruined the shoulder. Can you say RED NECK. I had the shoulder fixed. great job no problems no pain etc etc. So why am I taking pain pills for six monthes after surgery? So here I am day 3 AF and DF. The light is coming on Iam a major screwup. Thank you for your prayers I know it is working. I have a drinking problem I cant drink ever again. I cannot and will not drink again. ECHOME.


                HOW CAN I GO ON

                You`re doing great ECHOME.
                Lots of tears here along the way, but we have some great laughs too........we need to see that sobriety isn`t all doom and gloom.

                Starlight Impress x


                  HOW CAN I GO ON

                  Good luck ECHOME
                  We are all here for you, I hope you know that.
                  Over 4 months AF :h


                    HOW CAN I GO ON

                    Day 3 of your new're doing great, Echo.

                    Your wife spoke to you for 3 haven't lost her :l The road to being with her and your little girl may be slow and long...but the road will take you there if you STICK WITH IT.

                    Keep strong.
                    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                      HOW CAN I GO ON



                        HOW CAN I GO ON



                          HOW CAN I GO ON

                          well, time for me to check in mid day. yes, you can laugh along the way. gosh doom and gloom wouldn't be good for anyone. i hope that you can find a silver lining today and see a bit of sunshine. tis blue sky in la la land. smiling on you. another sober day my friend


                            HOW CAN I GO ON

                            I know it's a cliche but hitting rock bottom is the spur that drives people many many people to deal with this problem once and forever.

                            Things can only get better mate. Keep posting


                              HOW CAN I GO ON

                              yep things will get better just keep drinking lots of water. how's the end of the day? off to spa it. please check in.

