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Just had a big argument

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    Just had a big argument


    To all of you who thought about my smoking situation and posted to me:

    I want to say thank you for your insights! :goodjob:


    :award: to:


    I realise that it WAS too selfish on my part.




      Just had a big argument

      hey b. hope you are doing well today. did everything work itself out? just was thinking about you.


        Just had a big argument

        Hi bootcampbarbie

        Yep worked everything out, but not until the next day, yesterday.
        I posted last evening in 'Feeling Very Hostile Day 3' without thinkin of going back to 'Just Had...' until this evening, oops

        I ended up happily consigning myself to the garden toolshed, which was grand once I nailed the door shut from the inside so that the wind didn't blow it clean off, and sorted out the rolling carpet underlay, and alternated between sitting on the floor legs outstretched and sitting legs lotus, and brought out a box of tissues for the runny nose, and kept going back inside for cups of tea or coffee to keep me warm, and kept my back to the shed wall which kept nudging me with the gale of wind behind it. Other than that, it was very comfortable.

        I bore it all with good grace :H

        Today hubby had a glass of red wine on the counter when I came in at 6pm, he was having it with his dinner.

        I had earlier rushed home from work myself, picked up the kitten and the dog and took them to the vet: half hour drive there, kitten peed in her carrier en route, half hour wait, 20 mins consult, half hour home, so glass of wine was the last thing I wanted to see and the most inviting thing I could have seen.

        Coped though, even if I was a little miffed that it was under my nose. Dunno what, if anything, he's thinking about the effect that might possibly have on me, or if he forgets that there is a significant struggle on here or just a 'diet' of sorts...

        Any thoughts ???

        xxx to all



          Just had a big argument

          gosh, that is odd for him to do that. does he know that you are going af? i mean he did say something to you about it right? my hubby won't even let me keep any in the house. that's our rule at least and from time to time i break it when i slip. i would say something to him though like could we please not have alcohol in the house for the next month. that would be the kindest thing anyone could do. it just seems to make sense. hubby doesn't mind, mine doesn't. he says it is support on his behalf. but then to support him we don't keep cookies in the house either. lol. sounds like you had a day of it too. sorry about the kitten. i did laugh really hard about the shed story though. wow, that cig must have tasted really good. hahahahaha


            Just had a big argument

            I think part of the problem when we have partners who do not have the slightest problem with alcohol (mine's practically a teetotaler) is they just do not realize where we are at. My boyfriend eats meat- I don't- but he does not think he has to hide his pork chops from me.

            Occasionally happy clients give him a bottle of wine or champers or something, he has now learnt the hard way it is not a good idea to leave that lying in the fridge next to his chicken nuggets.


              Just had a big argument

              lol that is way funny marbella. way funny. guess that means nuggets stay in the fridge and the wine just evaporates.


                Just had a big argument


                My hubby doesn't drink, thank Heavens, so that is not an issue. However, both of my children do.

                I have asked my daughter if she would kindly keep her drinking in front of me to a minimum. I don't want to ask her not to drink around me because I would like to see her once in a while. (She, too has a problem.)

                However, she understands and makes an effort for my sake. God love her!!

                (I am secretly hoping that if I can succeed, it will show her it can be done...)

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Just had a big argument

                  way to go cindi. you will be a shining example for your daughter. way to go.....


                    Just had a big argument

                    Thanks!! I am really working on it.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Just had a big argument

                      bootcampbarbie;198432 wrote: lol that is way funny marbella. way funny. guess that means nuggets stay in the fridge and the wine just evaporates.
                      Well, the wine does just evaporate, evaporates right into my stomach, but I cant tell him that can I?

                      I tell him he put it in wrong and when I opened the fridge it fell out and broke. I can actually make a big argument out of this.

                      Meanwhile...the nuggets are intact.


                        Just had a big argument

                        Cindi...bestest of the best of luck.

                        At least you and your daughter have some common ground unfortunate though it may be- my poor mum has no idea what the problem is. She just thinks I have a mini breakdown every few weeks when she can't get hold of me.


                          Just had a big argument

                          BCBarbie - oh larf!!!! SUMS disease?!?!?! THANK YOU!!!! Brilliant.

                          Phoenix / b I hope you're doing ok - keep the shed stories coming. Even if you gave up you'd have to find something else to do in the shed (?!?!?!) and make it a blog - it's great.

                          Love and hugs
                          FMF xx
                          :heart: c: :heart:
                          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

