But I ran, I ran from my beloved husband, daughter, the last people I wanted to leave. But I just had to get away from my home because I want nothing to do with my family (Mom, sister, MIL ETC) anymore, when the phone rings I cringe. They ARE my triggers and I know it. It is why I didn't have contact with them while I was pregnant because my mother got into one of her moods after drinking, told me off so bad I almost miscarried and ended up in the hospital for a week becuase I was so distraught. Yep, I have a LOVELY family!
Anyway, I'm sorry to go on, but all I could hear in my head was AA and the bull they fed me about how they are there and they care...they made me WORSE! So, I'm trying to put my game face on today, get BACK to square one. I did get the MWO book Saturday which I think is a blessing, I need any help I can get. I see my therapist tomorrow and I know what she is going to tell me, just like she did before, my family is TOXIC and I need to cut ties with them.