I fell and fell hard, I need to quit and I need to quit NOW. Today is my new day one and any support, advice etc would be appreciated
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help, please
help, please
Hi Pinkie
I know just how you feel.
I too had a bad weekend, I can't have today as day 1 as I felt so shaky and disorientated I had to have 2 beers this morning just to be able to start the day.
I am afraid I don't really have any advice, but you are not alone- Last week I did 4 days AF and felt so much better, then I begin to forget how bad it actually is and think I will be able to have one or two!
Good luck with day one.
We will get there in the end.
help, please
Hi Pinkie,
You are floating in the same boat with a lot of us. All anyone can do is be glad we woke up this morning, and try once again. Each day becomes a gift I've discovered, just when I wake up sober..
You can do this, I'm trying for my life now.
help, please
You can do this. I have struggled too for years but you know what - once you decide that you MUST stop and there is NO other option but to STOP, once you are truly honest and accepting of that fact, you can do it. We all believe in you - hold onto this determnation.
JenOver 4 months AF :h
help, please
A plan & a goal. Start with baby steps. Don't look at the huge picture. It's too overwhelming. Reward yourself when you achieve these goals (not with booze) but with something you like. Afterall, you saved $ by not purchasing any booze. So go ahead-reward yourself for those small accomplishments. Above all never give up. You can do it.:flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic
help, please
Thank you everyone! Just knowing that you are all here, caring and sharing will help me. I had to leave work today as I was afraid I was going to have a melt down. I know once I get past today it will get easier. Thanks for all your kind words and encouragement
help, please
Pinkie, I don't know how long or how much you've been drinking but if you're ready to quit, we can help. I think you're already familiar with the MWO program. Do you have any of the vitamins and supps? Reread the book and get ready to quit. You have to make a firm committment to yourself to not drink no matter what. The first few days are the hardest but if you put your mind to it you can do it. We'll help you every step of the way.
help, please
Don, I have been drinking for the last 5 years on a nightly basis. Except the 39 days AF that I had back in August. I am familiar with the program and have started the supplements, re read the book and tried to listen to the hyno CD but there is something wrong with it and will only play for about half an hour, I will get that replaced tomorrow.
Anyway this weekend was bad and I spun out of control, I verbally hurt my boyfriend and my 2 teenaged kids. I will have to fix that but right now I have to fix myself. Thankfully come this morning I was able to see that and made the choice to come and post here.
Thanks again for your support!