I so hate the booze and I so hate the way I keep picking up the first drink = Fuc*ing x 10 +? Nothing?.. [B]ever feels better than AF. [/B] This morning I woke and began to cry over an 8 year old gaping emotional wound. In addition I have been terrified since aged two. Have had years of therapy, all to no avail. Sometimes feel someone stamped ?doomed? on my file since the day I was born. No to ?pity parties? just today cannot seem to want to help myself. Am self-employed have a shop/store and already had half a bottle of vodka. Need to close and sleep but debts terrifying. Tis a tad past 12 midday in Melbourne and one thousand things need to be done. Too tired and dispirited to do anything. Really like the sound of Rehab but cannot afford it and no one to look after the shop/store that is open 7 days. Am at breaking point yet again and cannot see a way out.