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Hi Jacqui - come here often, read up.. have you got any supps, the book, cd's? It is not easy, but the support is damn wonderful here. Maybe you could start a thread and ask others to join you, that is always helpful - hang in there and well done on making the move.:rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...
Jacqui - I just want to say hi.
Day one is hard. Arm yourself with tools. Read the book (you can download it), read the posts, absorb yourself and realise you're not alone.
That's a start. Hope to see you around. Life really can get better.
Hello to Tahlua too!
Hi Jacqui and welcome,
anything worth achieving is hard. Stick around. Like Luv says take it slowly, she has
been through a lot and was one of the first people to welcome me, she is a strong
lady with a heart of gold. Her advice is invaluable.
Take care love Paula.xx.
Hi Jacqui and welcome,
Ditto to the above,
The path that leads us through the most obtsacles often provides the richest journey.
I dont know who said it but since finding MWO it has been true for me here!
Good luckIn life we can live out our dreams its true
the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.
Welcome aboard Jacqui, this will get better if you read alot and draw inspiration from all the wise folks here. The kudzu from this site is great for controlling cravings. You can always go into chat and someone will be along because this community is world wide and somebody is always up!
:welcome: SuzThe more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.
Jacqui, Welcome. Day One is a toughy, but you've gotta get past it to move on.....
Have been there a few times. Day 2 is easier (normally because you don't have the hangover from the day before).
Keep going Jacqui. You will feel so much better if you make it through the day.
Best wishes
Sober since 30/06/10
Too right - please keep remembering that this will pass.....and that it needn't happen again....the'll go. The shame - knock it on the head right's done. Finished. Can't go back....just beating yourself up is just giving the stick a good time.
But you can go forward Jacqui - and you DO deserve to do so.
Love FMS xx:heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."
Don't hurt too much
I feel like you're hiding in some corner. It's OK I know that corner well. I'm no longer ashamed for who or what I am, even if I am disgusted utterly with some things I've done. I own them, they belong to me, no-one can take them from me no matter how vile or contemptuous.
But I also own my future! When AF I can claim my victories boldly, and rue my mistakes openly.
Out of the corner Jaq! Face life with all your courage and soul.
Defeat the Beast!Long Road
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
Eleanor Roosevelt