The first time I detoxed at home my husband doled out so much a day to me, he didn't want to play this time so I detoxed myself. I would get on my bicyle everyday and buy just one half a pint of whiskey as my daily ration to taper down on. Had I bought two half pints a day I would have drunk them both, I now this because I tried that one day and guess what- yes I drank them both. It can be hard to detox yourself when drinking too much I know. Then I just started buying a 28 once bottle of beer to drink, then abs for 39 days. You might want to try just skipping trying to taper down with the whiskey and go straight to trying to taper down with beer, that might be easier. If you can't detox yourself, you will have to go to a detox center so that they can detox you- I mean if you want to live that is.
Now when I drink I keep it below the level to which quitting would cause me to have to go through withdrawal again. Why drink at all?- well, because drinking occasionally atleast keeps me from obsessing over NOT drinking. I know that is a little nuts, but the best plan I can come up with for now. I just can't see myself giving it up forever.
Most unfortunately, I find the taste of beer to be too closely similar to the taste of barf. I need to get my buns to detox, as much as I hate the idea. I just wish they wouldn't make such a huge deal of my wanting to be released in five days or so versus 14 or 21 or more. I really think they are more interested in snagging the insurance funds rather than being interested in my well-being.