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I failed

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    I failed

    I just could NOT take these shakes. Tomorrow I am DETERMINED to. As someone else suggested, I'm going to wrap myself in a blanket, probably sit in a chair and drink plenty of water and adn my detox tea. I WILL GET THROUGH THIS. I just have to. My neighbor, my relgaular booze supplier, brough me two half pints earlier. I thought I was so inder control when I had only two very smlall nips in two hours. When the shakes didn't subside I said screw int and pounded down thre rest. I'vee got another halp pint staring me in the face. I want so badly to dump it down the drain bvut I also want so badly to down it. After all, it will be the last of mjy drinking right? *sigh* I stisll have the **** shakes and now the hot-ando-cold sweats on top of it. Why, oh whoy,k can't I commit to an AF olife? I forget this hell I'm going through just asdd I fortog the hell of childbirth. Can anyone comfvince me that a beteter lief is around the corner?

    I failed

    Am sorry that you`re having such a rough time, pink. You still have to go through withdrawal, whether you choose to start it today or tomorrow. However, you do not have to endure a hellish withdrawal if you get the appropriate medical intervention you need. You`re evidently suffering terribly with the shakes, but you`re setting yourself up for failure trying to do this without suitable meds from your do need his help.......please seek it again. We will help you all we can.

    Starlight Impress x


      I failed

      Pink, Whether you pour half a pint down the drain right now won't really make a difference. However tomorrow will be a hard day again. I know you are sick of going to the ER and detox. Maybe if you go to one in a different town you will find success.
      Wishing you the best.
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        I failed

        pinkpeppercorns you sound as if you are going through a really rough time. I have been reading your posts, seems a bit serious.
        I think you might need to seek professional help.
        we can support you through the internet, but I feel that you need some real help.
        please keep us posted.

        big hug

        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


          I failed


          Can you have your neighbor just bring you one half pint a day instead of two? That way you could only drink one half pint if that is all you have. IMHO it would be safer for you to cut down to one half a pint a day than to quit cold turkey.


            I failed

            Pink, I am sorry you are going through this rough time. If you see a doctor, they can give you something that will calm down your shakes and make it easier to get through the rough time. I'm just worried about you and want you to be okay. You haven't failed anything because you are still trying, and you are here, reaching out. You are going forward and you will gain strength if you keep at it!
            The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


              I failed

              Pink...Hi, Sounds like things are not so good for you..... You've posted for help, good on ya!!! Only have half, what you have from your neighbour. If there's not more in the house, you can't drink it!!! You need to stay positive and smile!!! Keep posting. XX
              TIGGER1 :l

              Formerly Mr Boop


                I failed

                Pink, darling, I agree with Trixie.. I think it is time to seek someone professionally. Withdrawls like that can be very serious. I don't think you should try and do this ALL by yourself. There is a lot we can do and also with supplements, but I think you should involve a doc.. what do you think? Touch base with us here...

                Thinking of you...

                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                  I failed

                  Hey sweetie, you are not failing, you are trying - what a major achievement. Get yourself to a hospital or Dr ASAP. there's no need to go through withdrawals like this.
                  It always seems impossible until it's done....


                    I failed

                    Don't do it.

                    Dump the bottle down the drain...there done over...simple. Now no more fussing hunny.



                      I failed

                      Ripple;240432 wrote: Dump the bottle down the drain...there done over...simple. Now no more fussing hunny.

                      Thanks so much. This is just the sort of response I was hoping for.


                        I failed

                        Hope your doing okay PP!


                          I failed

                          Just tell that neighbor that less is more.........You only want a bare minimum to stop the symptoms. Maybe your neighbor was your drinking buddy and has alterior motives? Just a thought.

                          Take care sweetie, Try some Chamomile tea with honey : )

                          I'll be thinking of you
                          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                          - George Jackson


                            I failed

                            I can't convince you... I'm so sorry you're suffering. I'm suffering right now actually.

                            Yea, I did it... overdid it!


                              I failed

                              Flip;236533 wrote: Hey sweetie, you are not failing, you are trying - what a major achievement. Get yourself to a hospital or Dr ASAP. there's no need to go through withdrawals like this.
                              But won't the hospital staff look at you strangely or not even care if you go asking for help?

                              They have so many people there with injuries and illnesses... will they even see one of us right away before we go looking for a liquor store?

