I can't stop shaking...I can't breathe...do I take my one Valium?
I HATE this b**** thing. It has wrecked my life.....
I knew this terror would 'hit' eventually and I haven't done it without booze.....
I don't WANT booze.... but I just don't know how to handle it....
One time, you see, I let myself think, "Well if I get it, I get it..." and I got it..............so now I daren't do anything other than a mantra of "I will NOT get it...." and I am tired of it taking over my brain.....it's like an annoying toddler pulling at my sleeve.....and I've tried reassuring it, talking to it and kicking it to the end of the Universe....but it wont go away!
I'm sorry....I'm falling apart here.....
I AM SO SCAREd...........
I'm trying to breathe.....really I am.....