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Day 7 AF binger

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    Day 7 AF binger

    Good Morning all,

    I have been reading posts for sometime now and feel the need to say some stuff.

    This week has been hard but Friday night was the hardest , I know why because Fridays are happy party day, the day I do something nice for myself, the day I go off my diet and have a treat, the day I can't wait to drink my wine my favorite day.

    So I knew it was going to be hard, I said to myself don't buy any wine, come home and read some posts, so that is what I did. I had a plan and it worked, I woke up AF and hangover free and proud that I overcame my worst trigger.

    When you are a binger I think withdrawal is different than everyday drinker it takes a whole week to go through withdrawal because you don't drink everyday and your body is use to going with out a drink for a few days. So it takes a week to go through every trigger at least that is how it seems to me.

    So I wanted to thank you all, your honesty and struggles I read about everyday are helping lots of us, everyone have a great weekend


    Day 7 AF binger

    Good for you!!! I also was a binger however my binges were getting more like a daily binger. Weekends were hardest for me so know I try to fill them up.


      Day 7 AF binger

      keep up the good fight. that is great news on your side. you are winning. taking yourself back. remember all the supplements and the topamax. it is a life saver


        Day 7 AF binger

        That's great - good on you. It's an interesting thought....weekly binge vs every day... Can't help as I was an everyday-drip-feed (at the end!) cos (before) I didn't like too much all at once! But I can imagine it does set up a whole lot of rather more (difficult?) things....

        But the important thing is that you feel good after AF-ing your main night! And it's great you came and posted - thanks!

        Many more happy postings to you Plumeria....welcome!

        Love FMS xx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          Day 7 AF binger

          Well done ! I think it's about breaking a habit too. I used to binge every Saturday, weekends were a trigger, a bottle between two on Friday, and then start at lunch time on Saturday. Having had a drinking day on Saturday, why not do the same on Sunday etc. etc. It goes on and on. I'm trying to break that habit yet again. Would love to get this THING out of my head. Tylyr


            Day 7 AF binger

            good for you! Excellent job. You should be proud of yourself. You escaped a major trigger! I myself did not plan ahead, and didn't make it, so i am back to day 1. But reading everyones posts, sucesses and failures, I am learning, and maybe next time will be better prepared.
            big hugs on waking up having made it past your Friday night demon!
            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


              Day 7 AF binger


              I too am a "Binge Drinker". I agree, it's awful having to wait for that craving all over again wondering if you will succeed or fall again. It takes such a long time to get there, to try and gain a little strength.

              My Friday night moved to a weekday recently - Christmas has put me onto Monday nights. Guess that means tomorrow is crucial and it's my day at college on Tuesday - only go one day a week part-time so really can't afford to drink and miss it.

              Dropped out last year due to drinking affecting my study time.

              The other thing about binging is that some don't recognise it as a problem. My NHS alcohol team say I am NOT an alcoholic because I don't drink every day, and I just need to learn how to control it. Not so long ago I drank for 6 days in a row, ok not all day - apart from the last 36hours. I did get through at least 8 pint cans of Scrumpy each day though. Thats a lot of strong cider.

              AA say it's the most dangerous form, we think we are ok because we have AF days then we over do it all at once.

              Stay in there, you got through one huge trigger and probably had a fantastic weekend as a result.


                Day 7 AF binger



                This binge thing is very interesting to me. I am also what you consider a binge drinker. Binge, hangover, day off, binge. So I wonder how this calculates to me getting over my withdrawl. I am on day 3 and not feel bad at all, but I know triggers will come.

                One positive thing is that since I have become a SAHM the weekend binge thing isn't so ingrained in my brain any more. It was just whatever day fell on a binge day.

                We'll see.

                "If you want to change, then change." -Blonde Chic from LOST


                  Day 7 AF binger


                  The binge thing is very interesting. I was also a binge drinker, though my "binges" got to last three days sometimes. Then two days laying around with a headache, stomach ache and the disgust that comes with all that, so technically my binges lasted 5 days, nearly a week (with recovery time included). I would get so disgusted with myself, losing a week to drinking!! ...

                  Anyway, I am day 14 AF. There have been moments of great temptation and "al" tries every angle to get me to waste some time with him. I'm thinking we have all felt that. I am extremely happy with my 14 AF days, but I know how quicky that can change and I take things just one day at a time, sometimes just one hour at a time. I read here that cravings last only one minute (sometimes those minutes seem soooooooo long to me!). With every hour that passes, I am close to going from hours AF to days AF and so on...

                  I don't know GottaChange, I guess its as you said, triggers will come, just be prepared, have a plan and keep busy. Be sure to remind yourself how special you are and you deserve to be happy. Keep reading and posting. Stay strong, I'm rooting for you and for all of us!!

                  -the Bunnie


                    Day 7 AF binger

                    day 10 AF

                    Last night was hard !!!! Mondays could be a bindge day in the past, it was like my brain said "yeah wouldn't be great to sit back and have a glass of wine?" Then I said "no way I am in this for the long run", then my brain said "you haven't had a drink in 9 days you can handle it", then I said "I need to distract myself" so I watched Emma with my daughter and forgot about it, went to sleep and woke up happy, I know my body is not in withdrawel but my brain is going to take a long time:H



                      Day 7 AF binger

                      Congrats to you Plum for saying "no"! Big pat on the back and lots of kudo's to you. Its not easy to fight the temptation but you did it!! I too have that ping pong sort of game that plays in my head when "al" tries to manipulate my brain into thinking one little drink won't hurt.... but I know damn well it will because that one little drink will turn into many drinks, plus a hangover, plus the disgust that comes with that, plus days lost recovering.. sooooooo, I can usually reason with my brain with that logic. Besides, my brain has been feeling "reborn" since that booze haze has been gone and life is so much clearer!! Stay strong Plum you rock!! ...



                        Day 7 AF binger

                        Hey everyone

                        Very interesting thread. I too am a classic binge drinker. Fridays are also my big party day as well - habit going with the troops from the office after work and then coming home with bottle of wine and having some more, waking up Sats and spending all day on sofa with mad hangover.

                        Before I switched to being a wine drinker more than a lager drinker I used to get the taste of lager in my mouth on way to work. Weird !

                        I sympathise with the Monday thing as well - about a year ago I was on Monday binges as well - used to be my well done for not drinking Sat and Sunday thing. Also seemed a bit continental and sophisticated ?????

                        Anyway I too managed to get through Friday last night without binging. I bought four cans of my low alcohol lager on way home with dinner and only had two. Was good as was a bit stressed with cat being not well and my water heater going off - cat better and managed to fix water heater myself. My aim is to get through Jan pretty much AF without a binge or drinking normal strength booze.

                        Best wishes

                        Gargy and Billy


                          Day 7 AF binger

                          Also just a thought but does anyone else wake up after an AF Friday (or their usual night for drinking binges) and feel psychologically hungover ??? I have a few times - tired, wary, anxious. That makes me think that the usual pattern of bingeing is hard wired into me now after 12 years of it ! (since started full time work)


                            Day 7 AF binger


                            Good job! Glad you are feeling terrific! You certainly learned two very important keys to sobriety, commitment and keeping your mind and thoughts on track! Keep up the great work! It will get easier!

                            Warmest Wishes for Your Success!
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007

