I am very happy to have come across this site. It breaks my heart to read some of the threads but also many make me laugh out loud as I can relate to them so well.
I started drinking at 13 and somewhere along the line lost the ability to know when I had had enough to drink, always the last person standing at the party...still with beer
( whatever was avail ) in hand. I have been very aware of my drinking issues from about 17 yrs old and have tried everything to moderate but alas my mind is set..after 3 drinks the chemistry in my brain switches to a beer hungry greed beast. I've done the AA thing ( 9 months of sobriety ). I Became a perfectionist during that time not giving myself a break, taking WAY too much on.
Well , I could write a thesis about " the bane of my existence " so I will stop here for now.
It is comforting to know that I wasn't the only one that would say the night after a big one " I AM NEVER DRINKING AGAIN" and in your heart really really mean it. While your mates just laughed it off.
So Hi again, thanks for having me....I hope to draw from and give some inspiration to this wonderful site!
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained