I have always been a drinker. Not necessarily a heavy one - but regular. Earlier last year after a bad relationship breakup, this changed and I found myself drinking much more heavily - to the point very often of getting myself in a stupour. Also, more recently I have started drinking earlier and earlier. This affected my appetite and I have lost a bit of weight and a bit run down.
I did feel not too bad in the mornings - but began to feel worse and worse as the day wore on (and presumably as the booze wore off). More recently, I have been waking earlier and felling shaky, wobbly, imbalanced, panicky, stomach cramps, sick.
I did have that nasty stomach bug that has been going about from before Christmas and I really haven't felt good since (unless I get boozed up again).
I have decided enough is enough and packed up 2 days ago. I have stayed in bed yersterday and today and felt pretty much the same - shaky, wobbly, panicky, sick, tummy cramps. I have tried to keep hydrated and had a little bit of food. I don't really feel any worse, but I don't feel any better either.
I have decided this looks a fantastic resource and the love and support is amazing.
I have had a look around here, but my question and my fear is that I am going to continue to feel wobbly, insecure, panicky like this for good - that I have irrepairable damaged myself?
Can someone who has perhaps experienced this put me out of my misery?
Thankyou in advance.