I keep telling myself tomorrow I'll feel better and I'll quit, go to work and tell myself I won't stop off for a 12 pack on the way home, i'll just stay home today and get over my hangover, i have to wait to post something till i have been sober for a day....but the nausea, stress etc....
I just went to a hypnotist and cut down to two drinks a week......only lasted for 3 weeks........bought the myo book and most of the supps and hypno tape....didn't work....now i'm telling my self i'll call my doc on monday to try campral (i've never tried that) and counseling.....hopefully that helps....but i'm with Kaiser (which is not great but the cheapest route in the states when you work for yourself) and have moved so i've never seen this doctor and last time i tried to go to kaiser, they sent me to their program which was very AA based.....lasted another couple weeks....i'm going to try again....
I've got to give this another shot because i'm killing myself right now. I feel like crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was the party girl in college and my 20s. I'd go out and drink/drug on the weekends but could always stop or seemed to have control. I quit that in my early 30s but for some reason i started with a vengence but this time with out the party - all by myself....i'll down a 12 pack a day and sometimes I'll wake up and drink in the mornings or the middle of the night to go back to bed. I've moved a lot and don't have a lot of friends...in fact i just moved this past summer, but am starting to meet people and my business is really starting to look good....but i'm going to lose it all. I don't do the things i love - surf, read, travel as much because i'm either sick or drunk or depressed......and alone.....i hide this from the rest of the world
I didn't think this would be so painful to post this but I haven't been able to stop crying since I started writing this....i've never put this kind of thing out to the public. Maybe a support group helps too....