I've tried AA.........it's a cult to me, ick. Jeesh, I want to type a lot but I'm so freaked I don't even feel like it.
I know what I am but just don't want to stop, even though I KNOW I should. Duh.
Hopefully when the Kudzu arrives and I start to relistening to the CDs, things will be better. I feel like a loser, even though I know I'm not. It's just so much easier to just give up and drink. I have a lot of stresses at home, but I know they are just excuses. Three rehabs taught me that, but I still resist.
I've read all the positive remarks y'all say to others and I'm not even sure they would make me feel any different. What the hell is wrong with me???????????? Okay, don't answer that. I feel like I'm the round peg in the square hole.
Okay, enough for now, I could write a book............
Thanks for reading..........
Oh, BTW, I'm really good at helping others because of all of my experience in rehabs, but am unable to help myself. Whateverr...............
Sorry that I don't sound so urgent,,,,,,,,,,I'm 56 and have learned to control the emotions.