LOL Greenie - Am I that bad?
Why do you think I will be first up for ass kicking?
Mind you - all this talk of big girl pants and spanking.................
Any way - we had best not go there :H
OK - so no ass whipping from me.
Just one question.
Are you truly happy right now?
I guess I know the answer to that.
Well - I was exactly like you - and now - I have left ALL that pity, anguish, self loathing and guilt behind - and right now - despite the usual trials and tribulations of a modern hectic life I am truly HAPPY and contented for the first time in many many years.
Happier than I could ever have believed possible.
I am not any kind of special individual, I do not have any special powers that everyone else doesn't - I am just an ordinary guy with a drink problem.
There are many others on here who have gone months / years AF too.
If we can do this - SO CAN YOU! You HAVE got the power.
All it takes is to truly want to stop liviing this sh*tty existence we inhabit while drinking.
The problem is - while there is alcohol in our systems - it creates its own reality - our addiction works on our brain to make us believe that only AL can make us feel "good".
The AF reality is VASTLY different.
the good feelings that Al convinces us we can't do without are a mere shadow of the good feelings that you can get from being AF.
The catch is - you need to be AF for a while to be able to see it!
It is not that somehow I now feel blissed out all the time about nothing.
It is more the fact that I now DON'T spend almost every waking hour feeling bad about just about everything (until drink time), like I used to.
And - If you don't spend time feeling bad, you have time to notice the small things in life that SHOULD bring is joy and happiness - things that barely registered while drinking / preoccupied with planning drinking / recovering from drinking / feeling guilty for drinking...........repeat ad infinitum.
So - no ass kicking here today - just an honest plea to believe me - and try it.
There is SO much more to life than the life we lead while drinking - no matter what our addiction wants us to think.
I know - I am currently inhabiting that place - and it is AWESOME.
If it was not - why the hell would I spend so much time on here trying to get everyone else to join me!
Love :l