I have been struggling for a long time with my binge drink style alcoholism. I have woken today with a rash on my arms, abdomen and upper thighs. It's slightly raised but mostly under the skin. I drank from Monday evening (6pm until last night almost constantly), had most of today off and a few cans this evening.
On Monday I did a daft thing and after an argument with my partner jumped in the local river which is in flood. Yes, I am sure we all know how funny that was in February in northwest of England.
I have no other symptoms apart from a lot of scratches from where I have to scramble through a bramble bush and up a flood wall when I had calmed down. Well the cold calmed me down - within a few minutes of being in the water my feet were completely numb and my the time my BF got me home I was shaking from head to toe. A hot bath cured that but I must have almost been hypothermic.
So is the rash the alcohol, something I picked up in the water? The river is usually clear up here but in flood can get pretty 'brown' looking. I also have a lot of water retention - was dehydrated this morning and have guzzled down a couple of litres of water since.
Any advice appreciated......