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Can't handle life
Can't handle life
Since you asked...Out of the box AF, I felt that way too. Not drinking myself after being in buzzland for 35 years, I have come to realize AL was simply allowing me to coexist within my world of comfortable numbness all the while letting the clutter of my life pile up around me. This clutter of emotions, added responsibilities, finances, chores has become this enormous mountain I now see clearly for the first time. My first reaction is to run and drink so it all goes away again. I can't do that anymore but what I have decided to do is first not to panic. I am taking on one thing at a time that way it is more manageable and I can still honor myself and my own emotional needs without feeling too overwhelmed.
Break it down into manageable chunks, keep it simple is my motto.
I hope your days get brighter!
Can't handle life
Honestly Sherrie, I could not handle life if I started drinking again! I really love being sober! Some days it is hard to deal with the normal feelings of daily life, anxiety, happiness, sadness, stress etc, without the old crutch. But the fact is that drinking never changed anything for the better for me, it only postponed those feelings for a short while. Then I was also left with the depression that follows drinking.
Sherrie, just remember why you wanted to stop the drinking madness in the first place! Think of what brought you here! Hang in the sweetie, it will get better!
Good Wishes,
KateHA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
Can't handle life
how long have you been AF I was told that it takes a while for your system to re-adjust to being normal.
you will go through a lot of emotion and pain.
also I think that letting go of AL is a lot like a heart break but for the better.
hang in there it will slowly start to feel better.
TrixYou can't turn a pickle into a cucumber
Can't handle life
Hi Sherrie
This is the first AF day for me. I know that it's going to be a struggle because already I hate myself and feel sad that I won't be having a bottle of wine tonight. I don't have any wine in the house and I'm not going out to buy any. Just hang in there with me. It'll get better.When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
-- Franklin D Roosevelt --
Can't handle life
I think there IS a grieving process we go through when we give up drink like we would for the loss of a loved one. Alcohol was my existence and my whole world revolved around it. So just like I mourned the loss of my father only a few years back the same could be said of alcohol and the end of a 20 year relationship i had with it!!!
Love and Happiness
xx"Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
Clean and sober 25th January 2009
Can't handle life
I think that it is important not too expect too much from yourself the first few weeks. Not drinking is your job first and foremost. If you've got a lot on your plate, please don't expect anything near perfection from yourself. This IS hard. Why do you think we all avoided doing it for so long?Things will get better, but it will take time. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, and the days will pass.
Good luck.:lAF as of August 5th, 2012
Can't handle life
I know how you feel
I too feel fed-up with my life. Anyone looking in would think I have the greatest life but in my eyes it sucks.
Hate my business, never wanted to do it but its the family. Wouldn't be able to support my house without it.
Very lonely at home. Wife has her own issues with weight. I have no issue with it but she is not happy and in turn I suffer. We are friends and not lovers.
Many of my friends are a pain in the ass.
Lots of times I just want to take off to a warm climate and be done with all the BS.
But... its not possible and I move on. Drink always got me through the day and night.
I feel stuck and don't have any ambition. I'm kind of floating in the wind waiting for my time to do what I want for a change.
:thanks: for listeningStarting over again 09/06/11
"When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober
Can't handle life
Well, I went 2 weeks totally AF. I decided to go the mod, it's been 42 days AF and I've had a few drinks on 4 different occasions. So I don't really know how it all works as far as AF is concerned. I do know that I drank every day for many, many years.
Yep, I'm feeling like I hate my life too keeta. I'm going on vacation tonight and I don't even care. Not even excited and didn't even pack. I work full time, have 2 kids (14 and 10), have them 24/7 with basically NO help and been doing this for over 9 years. Poor ME!!! :upset:I know I'm just feeling sorry for myself. Since I'm not drinking on a daily basis I'm just feeling so angry and yucky inside about it all.
Thanks for listening everyone!!!:thanks:
Can't handle life
I love my life. I have my health, family, friends and my body is not in pain. I am mobile. Can walk every day. Have my vision. Enjoy my music. Have a car for transportation. And am enjoying my tea and petting my cat. I am happy.
I know someone who hated their life and tried to commit suicide and is now confined forever to a wheelchair. My life could be worse.
Can't handle life
I too hate my life sometimes........I am a single mom and it is hard (as you know)......Work come home, make dinner and open that bottle of wine cause, well, It just seems to make life easier........and then you feel like shit after and the cycle continues.......
I am with you girl...........I'm trying to. But that's what makes this site so darn have others who have the same daily struggles to vent with.
Love and hugs,
UniEvery day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
Can't handle life
Try doing something totally different on the vacation -- get on a merry go round. sit and watch a sunset - get up really really early and watch the sun come up -- get my point? Do things that we never would do when we were our drinking selves! Be a kid with your kids! Play - laugh pretend your 14 -- just for the week! Make life FUN! YOU CAN DO IT! LIFE ISNT MEANT TO BE SO SAD
Love ya
PS I was a single mom - I'm re married now but my kids had to come to work with me when they were sick and couldn't go to school when little - I know what you mean. I know why I drank too
Love ya
LivAF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.
(from the Movie "Once")
Can't handle life
its like a cycle - a pattern cant do with cant do with out..but the doing without in the long run will hep you to see the real truth and understand that you dont need to be a victim.
The more we repeat the pattern the stronger the association we have to the habit..yes a glas of wine is lovely or 2 or 3 or 4..yet like any addictive substance when you are in that state we dont have control of the outcome conciously.
Life does get better and look at all the pooor people in countries where they suffer so bad they dont have any AL to numb or soothe thier pains and heartaches.
you are better than AL
keep up the good work
xx~ I am better than this devil AL ~:new: