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what the hell is going no with this web site
what the hell is going no with this web site
try to leave a reply to a post and i get the boot off .what the hell is going on it never happen before please fix it thank you:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..Tags: None
what the hell is going no with this web site
The site is having new software installed and being upgraded I think and RJ did post the other day informing us all. There may be a few hiccups with the software etc. don't know though I'm no expert. I've just posted myself on a matter concerning the PM's as was wondering pretty much the same as yourself whether or not there was 'problems' as such we'll just have to grin and bear it while its getting done I suppose.
Love and Happiness
xx"Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
Clean and sober 25th January 2009
what the hell is going no with this web site
It was suggested to me to download Internet Explorer 7 because I only had version 6 and it fixed my problem of being booted off. Might want to try that if you have an older version of IE. I know RJ is working on all of this.......I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me
what the hell is going no with this web site
testtest test tes tes testjnghsk;n;tdsnshlslmlnb l l ii ipk i ihagnuppainpbipamn[aoniphgng9heuihjjnf k hipgaihg; uhjiouo[najmojkapk0repltro[plg[ld]lbk,.=wo4lp]reggg[e
lrdgre;krdenm,0]grekrekmreghweb57426d7410231:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
what the hell is going no with this web site
Hi Hippie 37. I also posted to myself yesterday. I'm not very computer literate and embaressed the heck out of myself thinking I had posted wrong. Was embarassed to think that my new friends would think I'm a narcissist posting to myself.Almost made me want to quit online discussion. But then again maybe I did push the wrong button. I was disappointed as I was wanting to write to EACH individual that had sent me words of encoragement as a Newbee who found this website only this week.Hopefully i'll figure out how to manuver around the site and send proper postings in short order. I'll try again. Hope this reaches you. TraceyO
what the hell is going no with this web site
Shit happens ! Sometime our stuff does'nt go through ! Place it again....we'll get it ! Alohah ! IAD !?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. Seuss
what the hell is going no with this web site
That's happened to me more than I care to mention. I know it is very frustrating :no: Just copy it before you "preview your post". If it boots you out, log back in go to post your reply again and "paste" and your back in business.Miss October :blinkylove:
what the hell is going no with this web site
Dear Miso. hope this message gets to you. As i mentioned before i'm computer illerate. Don't know how the heck to respond notes of appreciation to those who have posted me. Just want to edify you , as tonight I have read the encouraging posts you have taken the time to send to others. you truly have a gift of encouragement and a heart for others. May you recieve as much from this support group as you soo lovingly give back. I for one see your heart. May this encourage you. LOL TracecyO xoxo
what the hell is going no with this web site
Oh TraceyO,
I just ran across your post. Thank you so much for your kind words :l. I am no computer wizard either. Here is what I can share. When you want to reply to a post you have 2 options. 1) The quick reply just under the last post. This will be only words. 2) The Post Reply (on the left) under the last post, will allow you to insert the little smiles, hearts etc., if you use that, just click on the icon you want to use (it will show up in type, not picture, at that time) the icons will show up when you hit "submit reply" or "preview post". For the Avatars (they are the pictures with peoples names), you can go to User CP at the top left of the page. It will show you the avatars that you can select from. Hope that helps.
Welcome to this site. There is so much information and support to be found. I look forward to getting to know you better.
Thanks again for the nice words. They really meant a lot.
Miso :heart: