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Severe Sleep Deprevation...can't take it anymore.
Severe Sleep Deprevation...can't take it anymore.
Ripple is NOT sleeping. decided today thats it! started on Hyland's Homeopathic - Insomnia ... gonna eat these until i get some much needed rest...please god let me heal. also taking bach BEECH tincture...adlock: lock me in my room. :H have worked so hard at this sobriety thing....my sleeping is so F....ing whacked out.
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Severe Sleep Deprevation...can't take it anymore.
yeah i know how you feel rip . i have the same problem where i have work all day and my body feels tired but my mind is so awake. and the bad thing is that i think iam getting hook on those sleep aid cant win you know .but hey if you really want to get soe sleep take some sleep aid advil pm works on me pretty good as long as i remember to take them early about an hour before bed time good luck sweetie:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
Severe Sleep Deprevation...can't take it anymore.
My doc prescribed Trazedone for me. He said it is a very old sleep aid, non addictive, he promised. Although, I am sure all sleep aids are habit forming, i.e. can't sleep without it kind of thing.
I am going to take it for two weeks and then only at an "as needed" basis.
Hope you get a good rest tonight, Ripple. Before I got the Trazedone, I used Benadryl. Unfortunately, it did let me sleep but I woke up groggy as heck.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
Severe Sleep Deprevation...can't take it anymore.
very unwell right now.
I know T...Advil does not help. I'm a mess from this not sleeping shit, ya know. did a thread on it before. if i cannot get rest, i must go to specialist and get help. no luck on poodle gurl yet, waiting list. (sucks) need a cuddly friend right now. :sausages: ya know? so fricken exhausted, thats why some nights i post away like a freak-o.
Severe Sleep Deprevation...can't take it anymore.
Cindi, i heard of Traz...tired of all the pill stuff. one thing in sobriety we are always stepping up to improvement. when i'm off the wall...i am here acting out like an OLIVE floating in a martini i cannot have!out: i'm nocturnal i swear. why can't i be normal and sleep at nite? fed up and sick of this shit. if i eat another miss debbie cake i'm gonna puke. i pass and off to bed with my stuffed toy poddles, pinky and whitey. :l
nite all...i'll read all your kindness in the am. :h
Severe Sleep Deprevation...can't take it anymore.
Rippy -
Not sleeping is HORRIBLE !!! :upset:
The two natural things that are making a big difference for me I think are:
Source Natruals brand L - Trytophan in 500 mg capsules. I take 2 or 3 an hour before bed.
Twinlab brand GABA Plus (GABA with inositol & niacinimide). Ditto
These 2 are really helping me I think. And I'm down to almost no caffeine.
So sorry honey. Hope you get some good sleep and feel better soon :l.
Love, WW xx
Severe Sleep Deprevation...can't take it anymore.
Ah Rip, that sucks not being able to sleep. I wish I could think of something that hasn't already been mentioned but I can't. I take trazadone and that helps. I also have two fans running. I can't stand total silence. And yes, in the winter I freeze. Have you tried something like camomile or sleepy tea?Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."
Severe Sleep Deprevation...can't take it anymore.
What can I tell you ? You need to keep busy ! Excersise....you'll burn off that excess energy ! Go to meetings, if that does'nt work ( AA has meetings at all hour of the day )
You need to belong....just ask for help. Then it's up to you which path you want to to go.
IAD?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. Seuss
Severe Sleep Deprevation...can't take it anymore.
Rippy, are you um... peri-menapausal or full blown mp? If so, it ain't the alcohol (which I know you don' t do) it's the hormones.sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
Severe Sleep Deprevation...can't take it anymore.
Hi Ripple and all fellow sleep strugglers!
First off, having a few doctors in my family, I learned early on that Advil, Tylenol, etc. plus a sleep aid is simply equivalent to taking Advil plus Benadryl. Advil is not necessary to help you sleep (unless you are awake from being in physical pain). Skip the Advil and Tylenol... our poor livers do not need the added stress. Just buy Benadryl.... that's what is making you sleep in all this stuff! Why put two drugs in your body when the only one you need to go to sleep is Benadryl? If you read the lablel, you can clearly see it is a combo of whatever painkiller plus Benadryl. I too wish I had known this sooner. My son at college is having trouble sleeping and I found out he is taking Tylenol PM to sleep... I gave him the lecture! Just take Benadryl!
The holistic stuff does not work for me with the sleep issue, but I know it does for many. I say start with that route and if it works well, then stay in that healthy field of sleep aids. I have a script for Lunesta, which I was originally told was non-habit forming, but I am hearing first hand from others that it is. So I try to avoid taking it unless I really have to. I will take two Benadryl and wait 20 minutes. That usually does the trick for me. Also... take the Benadryl, get in a hot bath with some candles and you will probably stumble to the bed with sleepiness!
Hope this helps!
P4TIf you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.
Severe Sleep Deprevation...can't take it anymore.
Hey Ripple,
Not sleeping is really rough! I like you, really hate taking medication, unless it is absolutely neccessary. I have used homeopathic remedies for over 30 years with great success. I even took intesive courses in the practice of homeopathy. It works! The best way to take the Hylands remedy is four of the tiny tablets under your tonge. If, in an hour, you are not sleepy, do it again. In Homeopathy, more is not better. The nice think about this remedy, is that it will help your own body re-set your sleep patterns.
One more thing, if you are in per-imenoupause or menopause, this can really affect your sleep. This is one of the reasons that woman at this time of life start drinking. Projesterone cream (made from wild yams) rubbed on the inside of your arms one hour before bed can really help one sleep!
Sweet Dreams, Sweetie,
XX KateA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
Severe Sleep Deprevation...can't take it anymore.
Sleep was my nemesis and one of the main reasons I drank. No voddy no sleepy for me. In retro only made it worse.
For me I took Valerian root for cravings and to relax after work.
Chamomile tea and honey before bed.
Benedryl at bed time and the kicker was to read a book on early Colonial History, never could finish a page - out like a light, each day it only got easier.
Sweet dreams sweetie!