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Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

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    Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

    OMG! Too funny!! My husband has one this Friday and of course I've been telling him what I've read on here. He's kinda of scared but when I told him about "blowing his legs off" he finally laughed. So thank you boozehag!!!

    I was supposed to have one 6 years ago, but my mother just had one at 82 and I'm going with her about not having one until then....unless my husband gives me rave reviews.
    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


      Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

      " I'ts like the vouage into your rectum !!! If your lucky enough, you will enjoy the entire journey through the ole anal scope ! Yes.... You'll see it all ! And then in 5 yrs. you can enjoy it all again ! IAD !
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

        Too Funny Miss O

        I have a good one. Next time I visit my doctor I'm walking in "butt" first because that is the only way he will recognize me
        LOVE IT!!
        If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change.


          Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?


          That was too funny, wasn't it? Hope everything goes well for you too. Tomorrow, right?

          Miso :heart:


            Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

            How is everyone doing after their experiences?

            My husband is getting pretty freaked out. He is STARVING and had to stop eating at 1pm. He drinks the liquid at 5:30pm and takes the Ducolac when he goes to bed. I'm making sure he has lots of batteries for his Gameboy. I think I'll be spending the night on the sofa tonight.......if he falls off the toilet, I'll certainly hear it.
            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


              Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

              Noelle, Your poor hubby, the first time is scary because you do not know what to's like being pregnant the first time......

              But tell your husband that is the worst part about it is being hungry. I hate to fast....I like to eat 4 times a day.

              I was up all night because I did not start my laxatives until 5:00 pm, and they never kicked in until 10:15 pm. The prep does not hurt. You get like a gumbling or knots in your belly, and it's time to run to the "pot". Then your fine. At first you have to "go" quite often, and then it slows down as the night goes on. I read alot, was on the computer, kept busy....

              Your husband will be OK, it's just the no eating part we hate. Remind him he can eat after the procedure tomorrow....breakfast, lunch, and again

              Good luck to him !!
              Miss October :blinkylove:


                Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

                Thanks Miss O. From what I tell so far, it's the not eating that's bothering him the most. I'm just afraid he'll fall asleep on the toilet......he's very used to going to sleep at 10. And when 10 rolls around, he's asleep, no matter where he is. This should be interesting tonight.

                His procedure should be done by 9am. If he's awake enough, we'll stop to get something for him to eat......provided he's had that massive fart first!
                Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                  Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

                  Just think of that movie " Fantasic Vouyage " We're about to exprience a vouyage that we will never forget !! IAD !
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

          's already started. Drinking the liquid was not a fun thing to watch. Well, actually, it was pretty funny. I will stop though, 'cause it's not really funny.

          're a scream......Fantastic Voyage!!!!!! Only a Baltimoron would think that.....and btw, my husband is a Baltimoron too!!!
                    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                      Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?


                      Hope everything went well for you. :h



                        Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

                        HA, HA, HA...sure 5 problem wonder..will you take a check.???:k:bigwink:


                          Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

                          Just stopping in to say and I am still around , just no results yet. Guess its taking alot of time to fed-ex it to the mayo..I've had to call the hospital twice to remind them to send them to my Doc in Scottsdale.
                          Personally I would rather go through the colon prep than the barium prep. The barium prep kept me up all night, I was scared I would have to wait but was okay when I got to the hospital with no accidents. Take Care Everyone..
                          If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change.


                            Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

                            My Mom had colon cancer at age 45. I am now 39!

                            I have procrastinated this to no end... its just the ultimate (in my opinion) of violation or privacy. So I justify putting it off... what are doctors thinking when you are out cold and they roll you over to do that? Sounds like consential medical rape! Okay, I need to calm down. I am sure they are professional. They always are... but if there was any reason to drink, it would be for that! I am so freaking upset when I have to take off the drawers and have my loverlies messes with. Give me a margarita first....

                            I am four years late for having that butt-o-scopy, but I assure you I will do it soon. Any volunteers to come hold my hand? LOL!!!

                            Lets do it and know we are safe!
                            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                              Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

                              I didn't have mine till I was 52. It just never crossed my mind I guess. No family history of colon cancer.
                              Make the appointment and thats half the battle. You'll be surprised or at least I was as there 10 of us in the waiting room all having it done. I laughed inside saying to myself " Dr will be chit faced when he leaves work tonight" LOL
                              If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change.


                                Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

                                I had mine when I turned insisted.....and I had the same fears...

                                But it was nothing. The most annoying part is the day before when you have to cleanse the system...but even that wasn't bad...just inconveniet because you just have to hang around the house and not plan on doing anything else...

                                The actual procedure is painless. You are awake through the exam, which is over before you know it. They give you a mild sedative prior to going in, and you could care less about what's going on.....

                                Then you are in the recovery area and you are saying..."That's it?'s over?"....

                                So don't put it off....we make it much harder than it is...


