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hit the bottle

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    hit the bottle

    Poured. Gack! how triggers and weakness work together. Siren songs.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      hit the bottle

      Night Night Bessie .....

      Greenie .........:goodjob: on throwing it away .........

      Life really is brighter without it .......

      Big BB Hugs, :l:l:l


        hit the bottle

        C'mon can do it. Look at all the GIANT strides you've made. You still sound fine so if you stop now you should feel good tomorrow.


          hit the bottle

          Thank you all for coming to my rescue. :l :h I still look down the sink in sadness though. Damnit, to miss a beast!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            hit the bottle

            You didn't miss the beast .........

            You fought the beast ......... AND WON ...........

            You are amazing!!!!!!!

            Be very proud .....

            BB xx


              hit the bottle

              good job.. greeneyes am glad you poured it out
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                hit the bottle

                Oh my God, do I know that feeling and do I SO feel your pain.............all I can say is WELL DONE!!!!!!
                Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                  hit the bottle

                  Dang!!! ( southern term Bessie) another snit with hubby. No alcohol in the house. Look down the drain. Hummm.. I DO need tools. My brain is trained to turn to alcohol. Oh, feel a bit of stress? Let's have a drink or five. I think that half a bottle of chardonay is in the fridg. I will not go look. I will not do it. Craporama!! This is tough! Now that I think of it being there it friggin' screams my name. Hall monitor is not here.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    hit the bottle

                    Could not stand it. Went to look and guess what? Poured it out. So... don't have to worry about that any more. I wonder if it was a good one though. I didn't have any.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      hit the bottle


                      What you are talking about is exactly why I went with Antabuse. Once my anxiety triggers or nervousness triggers, I go "internal" and start looking for the first way out. In my case for 30+ years that has been drinking.

                      I finally got smart enough to realize that it was either Antabuse or long term rehab and a halfway house. The latter is not an option for me so I ended up doing the former.

                      Yes. Sometimes I think I am going to completely fall apart when my brain starts swimming and I start seeing those spots but I just know there is no way I can take a drink to alleviate it. Every time I have an episode like that and come out okay having figured out how to deal with it without alcohol, is one step closer to being a non-drinker.

                      Every once in a while when it has been a bad'un, I think back to Dolly Parton's line, "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." I hate chick flicks but I loved that one and I remember that line whenever I have a rough spot.

                      Hang in there, Greeneyes. Make every trigger you succeed getting through without alcohol be one more step in the direction you know you want to go.

                      Just like you, I am a "tenderly used" southern woman and that means we are some tough people. We have to be to deal with the southern gentlemen in our lives!!

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        hit the bottle

                        It's wierd. Yo just sort of twiddle your thumbs. Thinking "not drinking, not drinking, not drinking". And I KNOW better. I have a hundred thing to do. Healthy activities that I have advised others to do. The fixation is incredible.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          hit the bottle

                          Great Job taking control, Greeneyes.......I know it was hard to do, but you did it.....YOU overpowered The Beast....




                            hit the bottle

                            Oh Wahhhhhhhh.....I'm struggling so hard. It is all I can do to not go to the store. Beer and wine available for 2 more hours.
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              hit the bottle

                              Nah, don't do it. It will just make you feel like crap tomorrow. Not worth it at all. Not one bit. Not one iota.

                              Go take a hot bubble bath and crawl into bed with a book or stick around the board.

                              Really, it isn't worth the 'headache' to go and buy any. Literally.


                                hit the bottle

                                Come on, Green......get mean...take control are in charge....don't get weak've almost got it for tonight.

                                Listen to know you will not be happy with yourself if you drink......just stay home...force yourself. You are allowing The Beast to make taking a drink an option......stop it. It is not an are being fooled.

                                What advice would you be giving someone else if the tables were turned?


