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    Hello all you lovely people.

    Tonight I am drinking. I'm feeling a little down. Please don't send me any nasty pms....I'm trying and I usually succeed in moderating. I suppose i just would like a friendly 'ear' .....! Are there any nice looking friendly ears out there?! The bigger the better!!! I suppose I'm a bit of a saddo really, but hey ho.....keep the old chin up eh! Being serious,,,,I would ideally like to get off my face so I don't have to deal with the madness in my head. But..the madness comes back unfortunately the next day. Sometimes I think about ending it all because I know it would be over then...Like my brother.... but responsibilities stop me from doing that. Responsibilities are a bummer aren't they. !

    Anyway, enough of self pity....I am happy sipping. I'm lonely I think and just a little bored of being a mother, a lover, a cook, a cleaner and nothing else......please don't think I'm a horrible person. I'm not...I've just lost Bella somewhere down that long line. Now Bella drinks to get high...Not a pretty sight I would say. I would rather get high through Flying lessons!!!! Umm...still trying to pluck up the courage to do that.

    ahh well, time to get more beer....or a coffee...

    Bella X


    Bella ........... sweetie .........

    I don't have big ears but I can listen .......

    Whats up chuck?????

    BB xx



      Oh honey,

      You are a new Mom, it is very hard. Being a Mom is the hardest and most rewarding Job I have ever had. Somedays you just don't want to get out from under the covers, but you have too because you have a child to raise.

      We all get fleeting moments of thinking it would be easier to just end it; but where is the fun in that? Life is too wonderful when you think about it. I want to see the wonderful woman my daughter is growing up to be; I want to feel the cold ocean water and the sand between my toes.. to sit out at night and roast marshmallows around my fireplace in my yard. I can never get enough of looking into the eyes of the one I love. Too many pluses...

      You are wonderful girl, and I know the struggle you have had. I am here for you if you ever need to chat. If you want my personal email send me a note and I'll send it to you. Or if you want I can call you, I know you're 4 hours ahead of it's 9:25pm there. I have calling cards, no worries!

      Smile honey; you're gorgeous when you smile... xoxoxox



        Hi Betty, I'm downing my beer like a gooden now coz my husband will be back in 30 minutes......yikes!!!

        No time to sit in gloom and doom, but thanks for returning the call! B X



          thankyou for that Gia...your words are so poetic...The sand between my toes....reminds me of when I was in Thailand..a single chick and ready for what life had to offer. Im fine really. Just want more beer! Anyway, thanks again. X



            I loved Thailand...where did you go?



              ko sumoui and ko-panyang but ko-panyang was too full of "full-moon" parties....I spelt Ko-panyang wrong..sorry!!!



                I've only been to was nice though. Nice warm water and the buffets were great! More so when you're carrying and huge like a whale!



                  What do you mean...a huge like a whale|????



                    Hi guys i've been to Bangkok and Phuket too ......

                    Can't wait to go back again .............



                      Hey Bella,
                      how are you doing?

                      I can sort of relate to being the cook, the maid, the lover...I do for every one, but some how...*I* got lost in the shuffle.

                      If you ever need an ear...a shoulder...feel free to pm me.

                      Take good care, and do something nice just for you!

                      Striving to live life without ALCOHOL



                        Dang girl...sorry to hear you are struggling so. SUCKS, God knows I know!!!! A Mother, lover, cook...that is a heck of A LOT! I luv u! PM me any time!!!!
                        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear



                          It's so easy to feel unappreciated by our families. I think many here can relate to that.

                          Maybe you could get a hobby. What is that you like to do?

                          Hang in there, Bella. Check in with us tomorrow.

                          Love, Me
                          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.



                            Hey beautiful Bella, I've never been to Thailand but I've spent a lot of time in the same place as you are now. I would give anything, sell my soul, slit my throat (anything but more AL) only if I could go back in time and cancel all the booze I've poured down my gullet, all the pain I caused myself and my children besides all the money I blew.:soapbox: Tomorrow's a brand new day, tonight is a brand new night. You have to love yourself first :h g.

