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just need someone to listen

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    just need someone to listen

    well here it is 6am and im still up i got a couple hours of sleep when i was in the hospital casue they gave me a buch of adivan for my dt's other than that im still sleep free, still as depressed as ever.... i just dont know what to do im gonna call my job today and tell them whats going on i dun no theo it might be the end of the road for this job too, since i started working @ 16 i have never been able to hold a job more than a few weeks, my longest job was 2 months, and this was all before i ever drank any alcohol. so im lost....maybe im just bound to be poor and alone, i've on held 1 meaningful realtionship with a girlother than that they have all been well pointless as im sure most of u know what im trying to say, without putting it into words, oh well all i got now is a cat that keeps me company the reast of my family either lives so far away i never see them or they are dead. but i dunno im so tired i cant even think strait right now so i will tty al later


      just need someone to listen


      Welcome! You have come to a site of great support, where you can become a non-drinker and alochol free. You have all the startinga advice in the responses. And I wish you success. If you haven't already read the post in General Discussions - "These two words can make or break you..." I suggest that you do. It summarizes everything, in a nutshell.

      Take care and come here often. If you haven't yet been in chat it is a great way to get immediate support when needed. If no one is there, post a message on the boards that you need support in chat and those who are available will meet you there.

      Take care! :h Best

      28 days Alcohol Free!
      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


        just need someone to listen


        After reading your posts it is hard to offer advice because you seem to have a lot of issues that you are dealing with right now. I know not sleeping is causing you a tremendous amount of stress and it makes everything else in your life worse. I went through almost a year of sleepless nights and it almost drove me crazy. It is a vicious cycle that you have to try and break. If I can offer some advice, first you need to see a dr. They will give you meds to help you sleep. My doc said that was my first issue that we had to solve. Then, once you get some rest and are able to think straight, try and go AF. It is difficult and a true committment but it is worth it. Then, once you are more clear headed decide what you need to do for employment. If you feel like you are at the end of the road with this job, try and get one during the day. You sound like a good person who wants to change his life. You can do it if you try and all of us are here to help. Don't give up. Gabby
        Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


          just need someone to listen

          well i went in and talked to my doctor yesterday he got me back on my meds and gave me a low dose of seroquel for sleep needles to say its 2130 central time right now and im just now waking up from yesterday, that and he alson gave me a week off from work to give the meds a chance to work but he told me if i cant handle the 3rd shift i really need to find something else asap, right now im just trying to figure out my next move but i will make anohter post tomorrow sometime thanks guys and gals!!!


            just need someone to listen

            I'm not preaching,but you may want to try a church or read the bible.Try to find god or spirituality you desire.I believe god loves us all and has a purpose for us all.You are being tested as we all are and I will pray for you.


              just need someone to listen

              twoxland;320884 wrote: well this isnt the way i wanted my first post to go, but anyway i've had a pretty bad day. I worked 3rd shift last nite and me and my co-workers went out and drank. I of couse got very drunk. i went outside to smoke and another co-worker of mine came out behinde me and he proceded to pick a fight with of me, i did nothing so i dont know why he done it...someone said he had been having a bad night and well i was the smallest person there so i guess he decided that i was the best one to pick a fight with, i jsut turned around and walked and as im walking away he yells f!@#ing pussy... but i just blew it off. so i dont know im thinking im just gonna quit my job now. but thats the least of my problems. I was walking home and i blacked out woke up and i was surounded by peramedics and firemen. turns out i had a cezsure. but since all of this i have been really depressed. I;m supost to be on meds for depression but i cant aford the meds so yea. i can normaly just shake it off and move on but somethings different today...i just don't know i have been sitting around today just crying uncontrolaby and just thinking why am i going through this. i have had depression since i was about 13 but since i started this new job i lost my insurence so i dont wana go to the doctor casue i cant afford it. i want to sleep so bad but just cant fall asleep but thats all i got now

              Dear Sir: I am sending you an Angel. Please, stay with us.. You have friends here. I am brand new but have been held up by the Angels on this site. They don't know that they're angels, but they are. Please, please, hang in there. We are with you. :l


                just need someone to listen

                Dear Two,Please phone 211 , it is the number for the united way help line.Tell them what you need and they will try to help you.There are people in this world that really care for their fellow man (even if they they are phyisically or emotionally sick).You have great worth even if you do not realize that right now.Be honest and ask for help , do not give up !!!!We are here for you.KEEP POSTING......EVIE
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  just need someone to listen

                  Hi Twoxland,

                  Unfortunately licensed venues and everything associated with them are indicitive of the situation you described.

                  And, in regard to the seizure, my friend had a similiar situation, when the doctor changed her anti-depressant medication. I don't think medication is a healthy thing, but that's just my opinion. I have always believed that depression can be worked on with a healthy (clean living) diet and some exercise (and maybe some positive thinking, but i would start with the diet and exercise).

                  Sorry to hear about the drama with your work colleague too. It sounds as though he made a fool of himself.

                  My advice would be to not leave the job until you have another one lined up. Perhaps you can take this as a queue to look for a new one.

                  Things will look better once you have sobered up and had some sleep
                  One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                    just need someone to listen

                    Sending good thoughts your way. Take it one step at a time - you can do this!
                    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                      just need someone to listen

                      :ear: Keep posting here, we have our ears tuned into listening. Lots of posting and reading really helps.

                      Best to you

                      AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                      Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                      (from the Movie "Once")


                        just need someone to listen

                        I have a little different perspective than Change. No disrespect intended, just different life experiences. I truly believe some depression is really a result of genetics and brain chemistry. It is not always a matter of diet, exercise, and positive thoughts. Like you, I've suffered with depression from my early years. The right medication at the right dosage is a life saver. You just need to hang with your doctor until you find the right combination. And although it is obviously easier to say than to do, drinking can mess up finding that right combination. The depression doesn't have to be permanent! Keep the hope and continue to post here where the support is amazing! Please message me if you would like. I certainly don't have the answers, but I can relate and am a good listener.


                          just need someone to listen

                          Two, I'm with Maisie. Diet, exercise, friends, right thinking (cognitive behavioral counseling helps with this) all help but medication is really helpful too for many people. I'm glad your dr. put you back on. If you explain the no insurance, no money situation, he might give you samples. It would also be good to ask him about programs that might help with funding. Your local chapter of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) might have some suggestions. Some drug companies sell drugs at a deep discount for situations such as yours. Please hang in there. You are very young and I think life can turn around for you. I'm sure you know that drinking can make depression much worse, so whatever help you can get for that will help.

