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day 9 throbbing headache

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    day 9 throbbing headache

    Hi I was wondering if anyone has had a headache this long after quitting? The pain is so intense I am taking 10-12 tylenol a day. I didnt have any other symptoms from quitting and my husband thinks I have a brain tumor. I have been drinking lots of water and taking vitamins but it is not subsiding.I'm not sure if I should call a dr. and if so do I contact a neurologist or an addiction dr? I have some old topamax from a previous quitting time. I'm wondering if I should take some of that.I'm not going to pick up a drink but boy this is the pits!! Thank you in advance for any advice.

    day 9 throbbing headache


    Absolutely make a doctor's appointment. I cannot imagine a severe headache lasting that long from quitting at all.

    Day 9 and you are out of alcohol withdrawal.

    There can be many causes for a severe headache, let a doctor figure it out. I recommend you don't self-medicate with topa unless the doctor deems it is a migraine.

    Let us know!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      day 9 throbbing headache


      Absolutely go to the doctor. This does not seem normal at this point of you being AF. Also, all of that Tylenol is not good for you. Call you GP and they should get you in pretty quickly. Keep us updated. Good luck.
      Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


        day 9 throbbing headache


        I notice that you posted on day 6 of your headache. I think you should check this out. I get a blinding headache when I have cervical vertabrae mis-aligned. Do you have adjustments with your chiropractor. Is your neck or are your shoulders sore (tender spots)? This is one possiblity.

        I admire your stregnth not to drink, especially in view of your pain. Please hang in there, a call someone.

        Hugs, Best
        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


          day 9 throbbing headache


          The Tylenol is just treating the pain, not the cause--AND IT IS ALSO REALLY HARD ON YOUR LIVER, which if you're a drinker is bad news!! Please don't take any more Tylenol!! People that drink alcohol really need to be careful what they take cause their liver is overworked anyway!!
          I've had a mild to severe headache for a few weeks now off and on. I've been going to my chiropractor for sinus issues. Please take the advice above and go to the doctor. Then you'll know.
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            day 9 throbbing headache

            relief at last!!

            I went to the dr. and they prescribed anaprox.It worked Oh happy day!!!:thanks:


              day 9 throbbing headache


              Awesome!! What was the diagnosis?

              AF April 9, 2016


                day 9 throbbing headache

                Hi Molly. I took the vitamins for 2 days and quit taking them as I too had a wopping headache and a fever. Mind you I am not yet al free. I plan on going to my doc before taking any more of suppliments. I agree with everyone. See your family doc asap, or even go to emerg. Your health is more important than anything. I agree, it is not good to be taking so many tylenol. Does your doc know of your struggle with al. I recently bit the bullet and told my doctor about my struggle. Believe me I know how difficult that is. The embarrasment of telling him I figured was better than the risk of going it alone without medical assiatance. We care and will follow your progress. Lots of love, TraceyO

