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I am going to hurt tomorrow

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    I am going to hurt tomorrow

    I have been on a binge, a bad one. I need to stop this. I tried ordering the supps, etc, but it wouldn't accept my credit card. I can't get the supps/cd's any other way.

    Has anyone been as bad as this and recovered? I have drank 2 bottles of vodka in 4 days plus other stuff. I am neglecting housework as well. I've got to get better. Please, help me. I've read a lot here, and I have to tell you, I've hit my absolute rock bottom. My rock bottom. This is it. Really, this is it.

    I am going to hurt tomorrow

    Hi oneof7 :welcome:

    Yes people have been as bad as you and recovered, I promise ...........

    However you may need medical help to come down from this, Is there anyone with you or anyone that you can call???

    Drink as much water as you can and keep checking in here .........OK .....

    BB xx


      I am going to hurt tomorrow

      I'm alone, that's part of the problem. The vodka thing only started this week, just got lonely, very lonely. Before that it was wine. but I know i'm bad, and may need medical help, don't worry. I won't go cold turkey. Ive read enuf on here to know when I need help. just crying out at the moment. I am dreading tomorrow, the sweats, heaving, etc. it's going to be bad, but I deserve it


        I am going to hurt tomorrow

        Come on here tomorrow, go into chat, there is always someone here and it is amazing how quick the time passes ..........

        Have you drunk everything in the house? If not then be strong and pour it away .......

        Keep us posted ..... :l:l:l


          I am going to hurt tomorrow

          You may want/need to get some medical help. Others on here have gotten Librium to help them after a binge. Certainly it may make you more comfortable. Possible, it will help you avoid DT's. Please don't just go cold turkey...especially if you are alone. It really can be dangerous.

          Others here have gone into a few day detox and then started medication. I just want you to be safe. Yes, you may have a few awful days ahead of you, but think of it as the flu, and hopefully, the discomfort will help you to stay sober once it is over.

          Best of luck!!

          formerly known as bak310


            I am going to hurt tomorrow

            Hi One of 7, You found your way here and you've found the desire to stop. So, you're on your way:welcome: The good people here are your friends, sisters, parents, priests, counselors or whatever you need: except doctors. You're not as alone as you think. The most important thing now is for you to get through the next couple of days however you can. This means that asking for help is much more important than your pride. Could a neighbor go shopping for some supplements for you? Do you have a community health clinic?

            Have you called your credit card company to find out what's going on? Sometimes they'll just randomly flag an internet purchase and cause you all sorts of annoyance until you call them and straighten it out.
            Anything to drink still hanging around? Look yourself straight in the eye and then dump it all down the drain. It's scary and hard: I know, I dumped 3/4 of a liter of vodka down the drain 12 days ago.
            Yesterday I laughed at myself... now that I'm not buying booze, I can afford to buy gas:H:H
            Best wishes, g. :h And keep posting!


              I am going to hurt tomorrow

              one of7 I am right there with you! It is a scary thought ... I plan to taper down this week as I have had wine everyday in large quantities... let's keep tabs on each other! I am new too ... Tiny :new:


                I am going to hurt tomorrow


                I feel your pain. You will be in the hurtbox and you have already accepted that. Now, if you have been on a short term binge (two days) with vodka your detox may be a tough couple of days. However, if you have been drinking heavily for the long term it will be very difficult and you may want to consider seeing a dr. Don't drink anymore tonite. See how you feel in the morning and make the best call for you. Tapering does work but sometimes it may lead to drinking more. Drink a ton of water, get comfortable, and EAT. Vodka wreaks havoc on the tummy and if you have something substantial to eat it will help you in the morning. You may not feel like it but do it. Let us know how you are tomorrow. I am around all day and if you need to chat or pm let me know. Gabby.
                Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


                  I am going to hurt tomorrow

                  one - are you doing ok right now? hang in there, it can get better


                    I am going to hurt tomorrow

                    1 of 7
                    My heart is with you- please know you are not alone. I hope you have dumped the booze down the drain and are in chat. We are here to provide a soft landing and are all pulling for you! Please let us know how you are.


                      I am going to hurt tomorrow

                      thanx for the replies. i don't have the strength right now to answer you all personally in this message. just wanted to let you know i am ok. i'm in for a hard day and I feel very sick at the moment. i can't go cold turkey, that's for sure. so i will have to taper down.

                      For now/this minute, I am managing. one second at a time for me, one minute, then maybe one hour at a time. Days seem like an eternity. its good to know someone will always be here to listen to me. thanx again


                        I am going to hurt tomorrow


                        I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers....stay strong!


                        Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                        - George Jackson


                          I am going to hurt tomorrow

                          1 of 7,
                          I was where you are now last week Thursday... after 2 days of binging. I was so sick I thought I was going to die. I only felt better by Sunday afternoon.Swallow your pride and get help from your doctor, clinic or whoever. Go to another town to get it if you need to. Drink lots of water with fresh lemon juice and eat something - start with light soup.
                          There is definitely hope - after last week I am now on day 6 AF and determined to stay AF for at least 2 weeks. (Can't get my head wrapped around longer but maybe day 14 leads to day 15 and then 16 etc.
                          I feel really well today. Your binge was maybe necessary for you to really and finally realize: this is not going to work.
                          make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                            I am going to hurt tomorrow

                            The best thing you can do during the detox is document how you feel. After a bit we tend to forget how awful it is. Reading how I felt the with the last one has really helped me avoid doing to myself again.


                              I am going to hurt tomorrow

                              Dolly, that is a GREAT idea!
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

