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    Help! I?m not sure where to start. I started drinking approximately 11 years ago after my divorce. Before that, I rarely ever drank alcohol. I?m sooo tired of waking up and wondering what stupid things I did or said the night before. I?m really scared right now ? scared that if I don?t stop soon I?m going to ruin my life. I?m also afraid to stop drinking. I?m not sure what to expect ? will I be depressed, will I get the shakes? Can someone tell me what I can expect in the first few days without alcohol?


    Hello, and :welcome: Read up. Depends on how much you consume. Maybe you need to wean with the supps. Are you open to an MD guidance? As alcohol is a depressant, more than likely you are depressed now. Anxiety is a factor, shakiness, sweating, difficulty focusing, insomnia. But the good news is that it fades as you get it out of your system. You may not have those things. I think it would be a good idea for you to read the book, which you can download and get the supps and kudzu. Hang around here and ask questions. Many people here to support you. Good luck. Good on you for this first step. May want to do it on a weekend if you work. 20 minute soaks in a warm bath with 1 cup each of epsom salts and baking soda will help draw out toxins. Drink more water than you can stand. Calms forte... rescue remedy... camomile tea... passion flower extract. Good luck!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



      Hi unwavering & :welcome: to MWO ........

      What to expect really depends on how much you have been drinking daily, some people hardly suffer at all, some get anxiety and the shakes, some far worse ........... I think there are some links at the top of the page .........

      The supplements from here help a lot as does drinking lots of water and keeping busy .......

      There will be others along soon with more advice ..........

      Take care, and keep us posted ......

      BB xx




        Thanks to both of you! BTW - Is there a certain time that folks chat? I guessing that I'm gonna need that live real-time support for the first few days.



          People are here from all over the world and thus varying time zones. If it is empty, you can go in by yourself and see who shows up. Probably need to download java to get in there.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



            I have been into chat the last two evenings......... it was a blast.

            I am not sure where abouts you are or what your time zone is in the US, but where I am (Pacific Standard Time) it seems to get busy around 8pm - ish.

            It is a hoot and a great way to keep your mind off of AL. I go in just for a laugh or three.



              hi there.. again..we met in chat ..and so glad you are here ..we are all here for you . just keep reading and posting any or all of your question. .but anyway just wanted to say hi again
              peace and god bless
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..




                I wanted to add my :welcome:

                I am glad to see you got into chat with tlrgs. He is one of our most revered and kindest members.

                Have you read the MWO book yet? You can download it fairly inexpensively and it does address a lot about drinking and supplements, etc.

                Please be careful about detox if you have been drinking large amounts. You might want to research on it and see where you fall.

                Glad you are here and looking forward to getting to know you.

                AF April 9, 2016



                  Do you have dependents? Lovely children who need you at home because they have no one else to keep them safe? If not, then get into a residential programme and lie down and take it. Just get your life back with love!! Then tell me how it went. I have three children and no one to leave them with so I don't get wildly drunk and I don't get FREE. I




                    Unwaivering;332270 wrote: Help! I?m not sure where to start. I started drinking approximately 11 years ago after my divorce. Before that, I rarely ever drank alcohol. I?m sooo tired of waking up and wondering what stupid things I did or said the night before. I?m really scared right now ? scared that if I don?t stop soon I?m going to ruin my life. I?m also afraid to stop drinking. I?m not sure what to expect ? will I be depressed, will I get the shakes? Can someone tell me what I can expect in the first few days without alcohol?
                    :welcome: :new: too

                    How much were you drinking? How often? I am not sure anyone can predict how detox will go for you because we are all different. It was not easy for me but I did not get the shakes etc.

