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pull me up

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    pull me up

    Cancer & AL run thru out my family.I watched love ones die from both of them.It now seems so wrong to me that I felt different about those who were dieing from Cancer (I was made at the cancer) but those who were dieing of AL (I was mad at them)....I wish that I would have realized that the last thing that the Alkies wanted was to drink.They just did not know how to beat the beast.Doctors have ways of fighting cancer(and research for cancer has funding) but when it comes to AL (very little to no funding) and most doctors do not have a clue how to treat it.Please tell them from the bottom of your heart how you feel about them,and how worth while that their lives are.As a minister I see how much easier it is for people that have disease to come to terms with their mortality when they know that they have made a difference in others life.It is a presious gift that you can give them,just as soberiety is a presious gift that you can give to yourself.We are here for you,please keep posting...Evie
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      pull me up

      Hi Keeta, my heart goes out to you. I know what you are feeling. My brother in Alberta was just diagnosed with colon cancer (56 yrs old). They've told him he has less than two years to live. He is a recovered alcoholic (33 years AF) and I'm so proud of him and like you devastated and yes a bit angry at life. My sister is a 14 year breast cancer survivor also an AL quitter. (16yrs AF). They have told her she is the longest living person with breast cancer metastasized to the liver here in Ontario. She is my best friend and I know shes getting very tired of fighting this disease. I'm very afraid I will loose them both soon. But then I realize I never really "had" them to begin with. I think the ones we love are on "loan" from the big guy above and sooner or later he calls us all back. So I try to love and appreciate them the best I can.
      To the other posters who have suffered the sickness or loss of loved ones my condolences.
      Regarding the bags, I have a good friend who at one point had two colon bags. In her case the "wiring and tubing" on her first bag had broken down and they need to create a new incision. At one point she had a bag both in front and in back. Not sure if this helps, but I'm wishing you strength and peace. It's okay to cry a bit....or alot...:upset:
      Wolf Dreamer


        pull me up

        Keeta, My heart goes out to you. No, it does not make sense and I'm not sure there is a reason. I too have lost several members of my family to cancer and just had a friend and yet another family member diagnosed recently. Not much I can add to all the wonderful thoughts and advice here, just wanted to say I was touched.

