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This is it, my husband is going to leave me

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    This is it, my husband is going to leave me


    I really want to go back to the person i was before i started Al. I was successful, and ran my own company with 8 employees. I was a good mum and kept our home clean and still managed to stay on top of everything even though i was living with an abusive alcoholic husband.

    Good post.

    AF April 9, 2016


      This is it, my husband is going to leave me

      MyChoice;343909 wrote: Honey,
      some good advices here. Take them. Believe in yourself.
      "A woman is like a tea bag, you don't know how strong she is until you put it in hot water". You can do it. Much love and prayers sent your way.
      Now thats a GOOD ONE! :H before we turn into OLD BAGS of SH*T from drinking!


        This is it, my husband is going to leave me

        Laura, don't have anything to add other than I wish you all the best in your battle. Please whatever you do don't give up hope. You are worth it and your baby deserves it.



          This is it, my husband is going to leave me

          Hi LauraAnn

          I think you have gotten a lot of good advice here, particularly about meds like Antabuse, Topamax and Neurontin.

          The only thing I would like to add is that it's fine to be concerned about your husband's feelings and to let that motivate you, but your own feeling about yourself should not mainly be coming from him. He sounds more than decent and patient.

          But I really think that alcohol issues are partly related to how we feel about ourselves. Is the only reason you want to do something about yourself because you feel that he dislikes you or even hates you this way? No other reason? Do you care enough about yourself to make a change for yourself? You are not a bad person. You are a person with a drinking problem and there is a difference. One thing that will make you feel better is to know that experience here shows that we have more choice over this than we think we do.

          Wherever you are at, you are welcome here.

          So read up.


            This is it, my husband is going to leave me

            i'm sorry Laura. sending you lots of good thoughts. i know that if you ditched the booze before,you can again. i hope you hubby comes around, forgives, and is more supportive soon. i am on day 2 of af and have to keep telling myself that i am doing this for me but also for all those around me. we only have a short time here on earth. i have used that as an excuse for 'enjoying it' drunk for way too long. now i am trying to convince myself that my short time here will be more enjoyed, and leave a better and bigger mark on those around me if i am not drunk. it is a hard crossover but i think i can make the jump. i know it will take longer than 2 days to change 15 years of thinking. i know you can jump with me.


              This is it, my husband is going to leave me

              i know how you feel. my boyfriend has gotten angrier and angrier each time i mess up with alcohol, and half those times i end up out at bars and lie to him, while i hang out with other guys. some of those times they were my guy friends, so thats him being controlling. but the point is is that ive lied, hes caught me, hes sick of me getting to drunk, same thing. he s given me the ultimatum to stop or its over. its horrible bc ive failed to continue taking kudzu which worked for me and he in no way wants to give me any other chances. ( would stop taking it because it took the enjoyment i got out of drinking) im a mess also. did antabuse for a month, works wonders. its a God in my eyes ,because someday soon i will have to go af and the only way id do that is with antabuse!!


                This is it, my husband is going to leave me


                Hi Laura
                my husband has been threatening to leave me for years, if he had i think i would have got worse
                Maybe its the fear of the threat that make me feel insecure
                That only leads to a downward spiral, you get scared of loosing your crutch, but is it him or AL I think AL has such a big hold because it makes you mistakenly beleive that you are in control


                  This is it, my husband is going to leave me

                  Laura, I am sorry it took me so long to respond.
                  How are you? How are things now?


                    This is it, my husband is going to leave me

                    Dear Laura, everyone else has had wonderful advice. I have been where you are: scared, feeling helpless, disgusting my husband, knowing he'd lost respect for me, and all of that causing me to drink more ... ... ugghhh... I just want to send you hugs .. I understand that you are in a vicious circle/cycle ... you feel the foundations of your life shaking . Please know we care
                    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                      This is it, my husband is going to leave me

                      Hey...does antabuse have any side effects? This is a prescription, correct? I know everyone differs, but I was just courious how this effects ppl

