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This is it, my husband is going to leave me

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    This is it, my husband is going to leave me

    I don't even know what to type, I can't stop. I love my husband dearly but I CANNOT STOP.

    I am talking to my physician next Thursday about antabuse. I don't trust myself.

    I have a two and a four year old, my husband is understandably livid, doesn't feel anything for me anymore.

    I have broken his trust again and again. I don't blame him.

    Please anyone help me.
    Windsor, CT

    This is it, my husband is going to leave me

    Also, I did five weeks inpatient and four months outpatient in 2006. So nothing, I MEAN NOTHING is working.
    Windsor, CT


      This is it, my husband is going to leave me

      Laura Ann,

      One of the counselors at my rehab (where I have since relapsed and started again, stopped again) had been in and out of rehab 18 times. He is now 10 years sober.

      This is not easy.

      I am sorry your husband is fed up. How can we blame our loved ones?

      However, you know the truth. You cannot stop for him or even your baby. You MUST stop for you.

      Antabuse works great. I am living proof. I am one of the most relcalcitrant stoppers I know. However, you MUST take it every day. Period.

      If you want to try it, you might make your husband part of the procedure. You take your Antabuse in front of him.

      This is a hard path, though. No doubt. You must come to grips with wanting a drink and simply not being able to have one.

      It works for me, though.

      Best wishes and much strength to you.

      AF April 9, 2016


        This is it, my husband is going to leave me

        It sounds like you have a good plan in talking to your dr. about antabuse. I know there are other people on here like Cindi who can support you in that. I hope your husband will reconsider, but even if he does not keep trying. Sending courage.


          This is it, my husband is going to leave me

          Please try Antabuse - it really worked for me. My family was ready to commit me - and I knew I had to do something. I willingly, happily took my first pill. It's on the kitchen counter and I take it every morning with my vitamins. After a month, I tried a glass of wine (had read you should do this so you know how it affects you). I was really sick - yea! It puts you off wanting to drink, let me tell you! Can you imagine looking a a bottle and knowing you CAN'T take a drink? DO IT, please! Good luck to you.


            This is it, my husband is going to leave me

            Dear LauraAnn, I'll chime in here for antabuse. I've been goofing around here for 2 months already, stopping and starting. Today, I finally decided to "get real" and took the antabuse. Some people have said they take 2 a day and can still drink Al. I don't believe it! Dosage can vary, but even the smallest amount will keep you away from drinking. As long as you take it, you are free from the urges because you just can't! I made a pact to report on taking my antabuse every other day here at MWO.
            Vitamins, minerals, plenty of rest, water and prayer: many, many people are sending you their strength and courage. Don't loose hope! :h:hg.


              This is it, my husband is going to leave me

              Hi Laura

              Like Cindi NOTHING worked for me other than taking Antabuse. I'd messed about trying to cut back and control my drinking for a good 2 years before I took the road with Antabuse. I literally had no willpower and probably no real desire to stop drinking before I took it. I needed to have the choice to drink completely taken out of my hands before I could get my head in perspective of my drinking through gaining some months of sobriety and attending counseling sessions once a week.

              If you include your husband in this i.e he has all the facts on Antabuse and is aware himself of what this drug is about, I'm sure he will see how committed you really are to getting sober this time. I also think like Cindi if you make sure he sees you taking them every day it will start to give him some peace of mind I think.

              Something I would also like to say which you may not want to hear is that if he does decide to leave that should still be no excuse for you not to get sober. Prove to him just how much you want to do this for YOURSELF and who knows what may happen in the future.

              My love and happiness go out to you
              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                This is it, my husband is going to leave me

                Hi LauraAnn,
                There is nothing that I can add to the other comments, just that I feel deeply for you and there are millions of people enjoying life without alcohol.
                Don't give up.
                make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                  This is it, my husband is going to leave me

                  LAURA, we all have our breaking point. Maybe this is yours. Instead of being sad, embrace it....get sober, change! You can do it. Want it more than you want to drink.
                  Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                    This is it, my husband is going to leave me


                    I was right where you are. I finally knew my husband was SERIOUS! He had supported me and loved me through everything, but had had enough. When I looked at what I had to loose and compared it to where I was headed, it scared me enough to set me on the path to sobriety. Plus, I was a nasty drunk. I said very hurtful things when drinking, which damaged my personal relationships even more. They are healing now, thank God!

                    Someone posted a statistic here about a week ago that 40% of alcoholics die from alcohol! Stagering! It seems that I thought those things only happened to other people. DUI's, lost jobs, ruined marriages and relationships with kids, friends and loved ones, health problems and death. I think that when we realize, it happens to us, too - that is when we get serious!

                    Hugs and support, Best
                    "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                      This is it, my husband is going to leave me

                      it takes something serious to change..i am not far from you. Campral, Neurontin i started on and now i only take one Topamax in the am. There is out-patient rehab...all these pressures dear will drive you to drink more..Time OUT is needed. :l


                        This is it, my husband is going to leave me

                        Good advice here IMHO. You have to find the courage to decide between your family and AL. Get the Antabuse and start living w/o AL. You can do it. Go for it and get your life back.


                          This is it, my husband is going to leave me

                          There is some excellent advice here, LauraAnn. I hope you will start on the antabuse. Topamax is what worked for me, but so many members swear by antabuse. If you make a commitment and keep trying, you will succeed.

                          All the best to you!

                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            This is it, my husband is going to leave me

                            some good advices here. Take them. Believe in yourself.
                            "A woman is like a tea bag, you don't know how strong she is until you put it in hot water". You can do it. Much love and prayers sent your way.


                              This is it, my husband is going to leave me

                              well darling i think my hubby was going to leave soon too. so i went to rhonda lenair. in fact he paid for her and went with me. and he was blown away by the results and here i am going on 6 months later and sober. so i would say we have to come up to the choices that empower us and change our lives forever. my relationship is a new one with hubby. we don't fight anymore. he gets to have the real me not the nasty drunk. and we get to be together not me with a bottle. whatever works i say. drastic times call for drastic measures. love boots

