I was on here sometime ago adn did ok for a while and being a SAHM I got side tracked and lost touch here.
Unfortunately I've also started up by bad habits again.:upset: I haven't gone without a drink in months and I'm feeling so miserable, disgusting, angry, confused. I've been seeing a therapist but he's not helping. "Just quit" he tells me....sigh...if it were only that easy.
I know why I drink, out of boredom, low self-esteem etc...but I feel so bad about myself. Even though I workout watch what I eat and take care of myself I still feel horrible.
I'm getting anxious now going into social settings,even taking my daughter to the park freaks me out because I feel very uncomfortable around other women, they tend to be very snooty and snobish.
I also was seeing a Psychiartrist after a suicide attempt and she gave me Lorazepam to help me through the fist few days of "detox" but then refused to give me anymore because of my "addictive personality". The funny thing is I only took it whne I need it and NEVER had a urge to drink while on it, she refused a refill, (Only gave me 10) and I went right back to old faithful.
We've moved and I tried new AA groups but like last time, they are not for me. I'm sorry to go on I just need to write this down somewhere I feel SO SO alone right now. I feel like I'm walking around with this horrible, disgusting monster inside of me and I want it to go away. I'm kind of hungover this morning, I HATE feeling like this. Sorry, I just had to get this out I'm beginnig to worry there is no hope my husband of 10 years is abuot fed up with it all and I don't want my daughter to have a mommy like this. :upset:
Thanks for listening.