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    I just learned about this program a few days ago. I'm waiting for my book to come, but in the meantime I have a few questions:

    How do you know which supplements and how much of each supplement to take?

    Are any of you doing this without prescription anti-craving medication? Is it working?

    Where do you buy the products? On this site or locally?

    Thank you! Please help.




    There is a link on the home page about supplement updates. You can read that if you want. I would truly recommend you download the book, though. It is very inexpensive and is a very good place to start.

    Remember that no program will work if you don't have your own inner determination, the supplements and the meds help alleviate much of the distress from withdrawing and staying abstinent but you need to put your own work into it.

    However, it is an amazing program and helps greatly, as well as this site.

    Lots of people have chosen different ways to go, supplements only, supplements and the meds, nothing. You must decide what works for you.

    The group of people on here are a great source of inspiration and help. We will do whatever we can to support you.

    AF April 9, 2016



      Hi Victoria & welcome!

      I agree that it's important to find out what works for YOU - and there'll probably be some trial and error involved. Some people feel the supps help them, others don't; some people talk to their doctor, others don't feel able to do that; some find AA helpful, some don't etc etc.
      This site has been one of the things that's helped me, and I hope it helps you too. Good luck!
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman



        I think you must design your own plan.It is so much more than just stopping the drink(step 1 but only step 1)You will find moral support HERE....I could not do it without all the great people here.Life can be painful and that doesn't change because we can't numb ourselves.I have been on a rollercoaster emotionally.BLISSED OUT,NOT TO HAVE TO DRINK.....Sad as Sad for all the time that I have wasted...
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



          yes it is doable to do it without meds . and am living proof 8 months plus and going strong .
          cold turkey but hey read as much as you can to find the best way out for you ..
          you can do this good luck
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..




            I expected toay to be my first day without my wine Unfortunatey I spend the day in bed because of my depression. Upon waking up, I convinced my husband to get a bottle of wne. He truly belive I can do this in moderation. I'm not convnced. We are waiting for the book to arrive. We even went to Barnes & Nobles today but they didnt stock it. I hate that this bottle of wine is runnng my life for me. Please help.



              Victoria, as Cindi said, on the home page under Program Updates, there is a link to the recommended supplements and amounts. There is also a lot of info about the program. Explore the home page. The kudzu is best ordered from here, as it is the highest quality but all others can be bought at a health food store. For convenience, I just ordered the starter pack from the store here, but if you want to start right away, get some kudzu (even if not the best), L-glutamine and a good vitamin. Even if you are going to try to eventually moderate, a month of not drinking at all is recommended. Eat well, get some exercise and get on here during your normal drinking time. If possible do not have alcohol in the house. You can do this and will be less depressed. Many here, myself included, have quit without any of the prescription medication recommended. Moderating without the medication seems more difficult for many.




                I think you gave great advice here, especially the part about not having alcohol in the house and coming on line during your normal drinking time ( I do that and it does help).


                You will be able to do this, you will just have to figure out the right "recipie" for your your specific needs. I'im new and still trying to figure it out. It will take time, effort and determination, but you have uncovered a wealth of support and love on MWO. We are all here for you.

                Visit our Newbies Unite thread to hear and talk to other people who are just starting out to see what is working for them/us and to know that you are not alone in your journey.

                Welcome! We hope to see you around a lot!

                Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.



                  Hello all! All of the advice given is excellent. I especially agree that there is no "One" recipe. There is no one combination of things to do, that will work for everyone. We are unique and so, our solution is unique to us. We have to try all that is available until we "hit" on the combination that leads to our sobriety.

                  Read the book. Do 30 AF. Decide what med/suppliments are right for you. Listen to the CD's.Take all that is here and uses it to formulate your success!

                  Hugs, Best
                  "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008



                    Victoria ~ Welcome! I too have to ditto what's already been said. Everyone here starts with basics of this program, but it is so easily modified to each persons specific needs. I think that is why so many find success here.

                    I have to say that I went cold turkey, but that was not by choice. I could not afford to go to the Drs or buy supps when I first got here (Dec 27th). I still do not have med ins, but I was able to buy some supps in March and have been taken them since. So my first 3 months, I only had the amazing people here to get me through and they did. I am so grateful to so many here. But I digress. I can't say that you should try to do this without meds (that's a personal choice), but now I am glad that I could not afford them as hindsight is 20/20. I have seen many members here have relapses when they have cut back on the meds or stopped them all together. I consider myself lucky now that I do not have to go through that. I just wanted you to know that it can be done without them. And maybe there is a certain benefit to that. Just my opinion though. If you feel you need the meds, by all means, use whatever tools you need to quit drinking. As far as the supps, they are just vitamins and herbs anyway and they are healthy and non-addictive, so why not incorporate a few? The book will explain these in detail, but you can learn a lot in the Holistic Healing section in the meantime.

                    Good luck! Remember we are here for you.

                    Love, Me
                    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.



                      Hi Victoria, as you can see, there are many different paths. My path was to read the book and start on the supps. I found that the Kudzu and L-Glut really helped with the initial cravings. I also take the All In One and Omega 3, 6 and 9. I have always known that good nutrition is essential in so many ways.
                      Like Thankful, I wanted to avoid medication as I simply do not like to take meds unless absolutely neccessary. But, I have no judgement towards anyone that decides to take meds.

                      I also sincerely believe that to live alcohol free for life, new thinking and coping skills need to be developed. The spiritual path that I have chosen, is helping on so many levels. But, I had to stop drinking to be able to embrace it.

                      Best Wishes to you, you are on the right path!!
                      XXX Kate
                      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                      AF 12/6/2007



                        Welcome. The book will outline the program for you. You do whatever you need to do to get and stay sober. Some have to take the meds for a very long is far better than being drunk. Do whatever you need to do. You will learn to adjust the program to your needs.
                        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear

