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Went backwards..once again

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    Went backwards..once again

    Haven't been here in months..actualy haven't been anywhere in months but back in the booze. Just another one on the rollercoaster ride. Topa,kudzu,supps ect. just all seemed to be a waste of money on this end. Maybe its all in my attitude ...I don't know I don't even know what to say....

    Went backwards..once again

    Hello Choklyt
    Sorry to hear it is not going well for you but if you are back here then its a start right? I hope you can get back on the program maybe just one day at a time. Dont look at the big picture just think about today and being AF today.
    BH no more


      Went backwards..once again

      Thanks for the reply. I am back at it again and its day one of AF Time for some big changes..even if its one min. at a time. Thanks again :l


        Went backwards..once again

        You can do this !!!! minute by minute hour by hour day by day....PM me if I can help....I CARE...I REALLY DO !!!
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          Went backwards..once again


          Booze and rollercoasters don't mix well and as I'm sure you can tell, just leaves you feeling like "poo"!

          I need some verification it OK to say "glad to see you back here"?? Just seems not right to say that but I am glad you are back if nothing else to just hang out.

          Bumps and bruises are all part of the ride and if you do fall down, fall over or whatever, there is always someone here to help you back up. Come on up, I saved you a spot on the wagon!
          Is Addiction Really a Disease?
          Watch this and find out....


            Went backwards..once again

            i think they call it renting because it never stays too long and you just got to drink more and piss more away
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              Went backwards..once again

              Choklyteyes, we met in chat one night and had quite a conversation. I too have not been very effective in my attempts at sobriety but I did mark today down as day 1 on the drink tracker and I know I have to truly start dedicating myself to becoming AF and staying that way. I have printed out AA meetings in my area because I feel I need more. Live interaction with people that don't drink. Please PM me if you are feeling the need to drink because I'm right there with you, my friend.



                Went backwards..once again

                I am back to day one..again. I just have to stoop buying the wine. If it is not in the house, I will not drink it.

                Good luck - we can do this. It's hard, but not impossible!
                "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                  Went backwards..once again

                  If other Meds are failing...there is always ANTABUSE...then you can not drink...Drastic times call for drastic measures!!!!!
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    Went backwards..once again

                    evielou;363480 wrote: If other Meds are failing...there is always ANTABUSE...then you can not drink...Drastic times call for drastic measures!!!!!
                    I have been taking the Kudzu and have found that if I drink more than 1 or 2 small glasses of wine, I get a wicked that part of the supplement working??
                    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                      Went backwards..once again

                      Hang in there

                      A lot of us are in the same boat. Don't get discouraged. Is there a reason you feel you don't want to drink?

                      I screwed up Saturday. I was sailing. It was 10 days. 10 days! Shit. I hurt my back on Wed and Saturday evening, I had a few drinks to help the pain as I am not a pill person. I was so angy with myself. The weird part is that I was offered red wine on Friday when I taught a cooking class and I declined with no problem.

                      You know what i did? I figured I didn't drink anywhere near as much as I would have normally and although that is no excuse, I am just starting again with a different attitude. Now I am realizing how bad it feels afterwards to drink and I don't want it. I am still mad about messing up 10 days but I can't go back. Today is day 3 for me and tomorrow will be a challenge but I don't look at it that way. I will bring my san pellegrino and have that. I will go home refreshed and ready to work the next day instead of dragging ass.

                      PM me if you would like to also. You can do it. God knows it isn't easy but it is possible.
                      __________________________________________________ _

                      Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.


                        Went backwards..once again

                        welcom back choc you no the old sayin try try again and you should be proud of yourself you came back way to go gyco


                          Went backwards..once again

                          what happen there welcom back all you can do is try try again gyco

