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How far can I run?

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    How far can I run?

    I've dropped out of grad school several years ago. I've lost at least four relationships. I've changed jobs thrice over the past year. I've moved to the other side of the world (from New York to Asia). I don't know how many brain cells I've killed. I've started to develop serious gastritis, an ulcer, and also liver/pancreas pains.

    When will this madness end? I was once able to quit, but that was under serious medical supervision (rehab).

    Why am I being plagued with this? There are so many other diseases that, before they kill you, at least allow you have some quality of life. With alcohol, there really does not seem to be a point for living and going through each day.

    I know how each night will end up. I dread the mornings.

    How far can I run?

    How far can I run?

    Sounds to me like you are tired of running!!

    Stick around and read some posts. There are lots of helping hands and friendly advice. Change your life from today and never look back.
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      How far can I run?

      Hello Mister and :welcome: to MWO. This is a wonderful site to come to with your problem. We are all in the same boat. Please read the posts especially the ones from long term abstainers. It is so encouraging to see that sobriety can be achieved. Come here often and share, read and download RJ's book. It is a process and you need to do the work and you will have lots of shoulders to lean on when the going gets rough.

      Really, there is nowhere to run because wherever you go you are bringing yourself along. Stop running and be still and listen to yourself and hear what you really need.
      Again, welcome and hugs.
      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


        How far can I run?

        AL IS A MURDERER,LIER,THIEF....Do you believe that????He is on a path of complete destruction and he will surely bury you if you do not bury him....Only you can make the choice to save your life...You must do what ever it takes to get a few days sober and then you must make sure that you take Antabuse daily so you can not drink...Once AL is kept at a distance then you can begin to put your life back together...First get a SOBRIETY plan and then follow thru...You can do this,we can help...
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          How far can I run?


          I agree with Lori, wherever you go, there YOU are. I have also lost 3 jobs in the past year and have never had a successful relationship. I was married for 17 years, but 10 of those years I was AF. It gets worse and worse everytime. It has begun to affect my health as well, especially gastrointestinal. You can end the madness TODAY. It is not easy, I am only one Day 13, but soooo worth it. I hope u will stick around. We are here to help each other. None of us are happy to have this affliction, but at least we have the tools and each other to help.
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            How far can I run?

            Hi MisterSunshine,
            I remember an old funny film with Dean Martin in it and he just kept running and running. The catchphrase was no matter how fast you run you can never run away from yourself - sadly, this is so true. I like your name - there's a great tour guide in Egypt who goes by that name - yet another piece of useless information that's floating around in my brain - and I mean floating as I'm not sure how much of it is left so ditto on the brain cells I've killed. I too have changed jobs quite a bit lately, even moved to a different country for 6 months, now back home again. I have drank like a fish for about the last 20 years and it has caused me a lot of problems, I have functioned but just barely. Decided this year that I had to do something about it and joined this site in March. It has helped hugely.
            There is plenty of advice from everyone and especially from those that have beaten this thing. Everyone says to try going 30 days AF and then take it from there. Not sure if you have read the MWO book or using any of the supplements but maybe that would be a good place to start?
            Best Wishes
            There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


              How far can I run?

              Welcome, I would also suggest downloading the book, buying the supplements and arm yourself with necessary tools.

              When we beome motivated to quit, give it your best shot, and as one of our members said the other day "if not now, then when?"

              Good Luck.
              Enlightened by MWO


                How far can I run?

                lorisunshine;365189 wrote: Really, there is nowhere to run because wherever you go you are bringing yourself along. Stop running and be still and listen to yourself and hear what you really need.
                Again, welcome and hugs.
                Love that !!! Thanks.

                Mister, The book/supps/cds will get you on the right track and then you can run just because you want to.

                It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                  How far can I run?

                  Welcome. How are you doing?


                    How far can I run?

                    Running never got me anywhere; no matter where I went, I was always in the same situation but a different location. We are all here for are you doing right now?

