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Struggling with former husband with this...

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    Struggling with former husband with this...

    Wow... its such a journey. I have so much compassion, and know it is treatable.

    But if you choose not to treat it, it becomes ugly. I want to share something, but do not want anyone here with bipolar to feel I am attacking you at all, because it is proven you can take control of it.

    I was married to a man who was/is bipolar, but I did not know until a year after we divorced. Long story short, I havent had the nerve to post my story except under mods about two years ago.

    Just want to say a word of encouragement to all of you who are living with, or currently struggling personally... it is NOT your fault. I am so inspired by all of you here who struggle with bi-polar disorder, and every word you share helps me to understand.

    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

    Struggling with former husband with this...

    That's a compassionate thread Prest. Bi-polar is one of those diagnoses which vary in intensity, but like so many inherited genes, it's often an inherited condition, and nothing that the sufferers have invited. Thankfully one of the areas that medicine has taken such a quantum leap in the lst 20 years is medication for bi-polar.
    Enlightened by MWO


      Struggling with former husband with this...

      Yes, it's a journey...I call it "Mr Toad's Wild Ride"

      [ame= ]YouTube - Bipolar People[/ame]
      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
      - George Jackson


        Struggling with former husband with this...

        Hey Prest4time,
        That must have made your marriage extremely difficult at times.
        Thanks for posting.

        Sober since 30/06/10


          Struggling with former husband with this...

          Hey Prest, I just wanted to say my other half has some issues and has never been diagnosed with anything. He does suffer at times and in turn I suffer also. I can see it in his eyes and by what he thinks normal conversation is that something is not right. It is not easy at times because he truly believes he is right about how he is feeling and I know its way over the top.



            Struggling with former husband with this...

            hey presty!! long time! max is back! my bi polar has improved since I have stopped drinking, not so many of the downs, ,still get them nowbut I know not to treat them by drowning them with beer, I also get the ups as well, this is apparantly what makes it different from depression, mostly I find my head gets full of new ideas and I cant get them out untill I do something about them, which in my case is through my art, sometimes they stop me from sleeping, but I would rather deal with this side of it than the more constant downs when I was drinking. It affects everyone differently as mentioned. my brother dealt with various forms of bi ploar and schizoph[hrenia over ten years before it claimed his life when he was 25. anyway I am in a good place at the moment!
            "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


              Struggling with former husband with this...

              Brilliant, MyHeart! Those who suffer from bi-polar disorder share the diagnosis with some of the most creative and respected people that there are.

              Thanks for beginning this touching thread, P4T.
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Struggling with former husband with this...

                Yes thank you. Several in my family have had this diagnosis.


                  Struggling with former husband with this...

                  Several in mine as well. Unfortunately, the wonderful new meds only work if you take them and many will not. Thanks P4T for being so open to learning. There is a great autobiography by Kay Redfield called "An Unquiet Mind" that helps a lot.

