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failing sadly

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    failing sadly

    Feeling very alone

    Maybe I should start a thread on this, but I am not doing real well today. This has been an awful week, fighting with hubby bout money - or rather, not communicating about solutions. Now he wants to go out with the boys tonight which leaves me alone all day and evening with baby. And I know I will want to drink. I am ashamed to say this, because I wanted to be AF August and I too have failed miserably. But everyone says to come here if you are feeling down so that is what I am doing.


      failing sadly

      CS04, I hope you will start your own thread! I'm sorry that you are struggling today. I know you have challenges in your relationship with hubby and there is not quick fix to that. This probably sounds like a broken record, but you KNOW that alcohol won't fix it. All alcohol will do is keep taking you backwards one step at a time. At least staying sober takes you FORWARD - even if THAT is only one step at a time.

      Nothing in life is so bad that drinking alcohol won't make it worse.

      Your baby needs a sober Mom!! Take it one minute at a time if you have to - just don't drink because that won't help.

      I'm there with you in spirit!! Hang tough CS!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        failing sadly

        I am so new here...I just wanted to say that I'm pulling for you. If you can do it, I can do it.


