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failing sadly

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    failing sadly

    hi struggles,good name,youve started which is good,your here,no better support,tht ive found,been ther and bak many times,im not on supps or any kind of meds,i guess im fortunate mayb,some people say you have to hit bottom,i think when you come here u hav,but as ive found you can come here and your not judged,good advise STOP,or MODERATE,the process has already started ,stoppinwith the amount your drinkin,could be scary,and unhealthy,id say see a doctor,but unless they hav the training in addiction,they havent got a clue,keep comin here just to talk and get support thts the 1st step,gyco


      failing sadly


      I came to check on you today and see how you are doing. Believe me when I say I have been where you are. You are aware of your situation, you are not in denial and you are not blaming someone or something else. That is Huge! You are trying! That is Huge, too! Because of that, you are not failing!

      I always say that I was the queen of "Try and try again". That is not a bad thing. You have a great situation, in that your children are young and you have the opportunity to change this now. I wish I could go back, but we know that is not possible. So, I am grateful that I stopped when I did and can go forward from that day on.

      Just keep trying. And know that you are cared for here!

      Love and support, Best
      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


        failing sadly

        hey girl, i understand you. im down right now. drinking pretty much daily. feel so depressed, from the drinking mostly, but im depressed somewhat even if ive stopped drinking for awhile, partly why i find it hard to give up completely. the sad part is, ill take the kudzu for awhile, and it takes the fun out of drinking, so i eventually stop takinhg it. right now i feel ill take it and who cares, its not like drinking is fun anymore anyway, but ill stop again. ugh, this is horrible, and my dad is such a dick about it. im 26, still living at home so they are on top of me about it. ( he drinks daily also, but has it more under control)


          failing sadly

          Hi Struggles, all I can add is a conversation I overheard while at the supermarket about 30 minutes ago. A young guy answered his mobile phone and there must have been some invitation because he said loudly and clearly..." I don't drink anymore, but you can have the wine..." I nearly dropped my basket. And here I am still struggling to tell friends that I have a problem with alcohol??? What a wow moment. As simple as that...I don't drink anymore...!!!
          make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


            failing sadly

            Jessie, It really is that easy! I have no problem telling anyone that I choose not to drink! No explainations, no apologising.

            By the way.....thank you for sharing this!! I love it!!

            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              failing sadly

              Sorry it took so long

              Thank you to everyone! I have printed each reply and cut them into each reply and carry them in my purse. When I feel the need or urge, I blindly pull one out....can't say that it has stopped me, but it has helped.

              I started the Kudzu and L-glut and milk thistle and find that I feel full and satisfied, but still reach for the stinkin beer...therefore still drinking....not as much, but not that much less.

              My BF gave me 3 months to turn things around for us or he is leaving....he also drinks, but not like myself....I was so scared, I drank a 12 pack in 3 hours and went to sleep....WTF is that?

              I need to get focused on what I want and search myself for what I am afraid of...I almost feel as if I am sabatoging the very thing I don't want to lose since I am so disgusted with myself and weight, etc.

              Any good books to recommend or words or advice? I keep taking the supplements and hope they will help.

              By the way, after two days of taking the kudzu, L-glut and milk thistle and having 10 beers, I felt way more hung over this morning drinking far more less than before...Is this normal?

              Hope this works, my relationship is riding on it and I seem to only care about me!


                failing sadly

                Keep on working! If he knows you are trying and he leaves then he was not meant to be. The way more hangover thing, I went through it today, I think it is just because our bodies expect so much more. We are in a war to win our bodies and minds back. No backing down now.


                  failing sadly

                  Try to get through one day without AL - plan your entire day and the next morning (make yourself wake up early to work out )


                    failing sadly

                    in terms of the hangover thing............i found when I went on the supps my hangovers got worse too on less's our bodies trying to cleanse.....
                    Give it a couple of weeks........the less you drink, the more you detox, the better you"ll be
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      failing sadly

                      wasnt doin nothin so i just thot id see how you were doin,hope things are gettin bettr for u,trust me my dear, this is my umpteenth dozenth time stoppin,never had problems stoppin ,just stayin stopped,even stiopped at long periods i find it would be nc to have one,and ive done tht too,1 or 2,just this time around i dont trust myself,odd,dont even no what id drrink,maybe for me its finally workin,maybe i can pass it on when i figure it out, maybe its here ,neat good luck struggles gyco


                        failing sadly

                        Hi Struggles

                        My BF has never gave me any ultimatums like that although he doesn't drink, and I must admit if I'd been in his shoes I probably would have done.

                        However I don't think these things help in our struggle...Maybe if you are really desperate it might be an idea to get to the doctor for antebuse?


                          failing sadly

                          Hi Struggles,

                          Thanks for starting this post, i have found everyone's replies very helpful. I too have children and have had times when I don't remember putting them to bed. I had been doing better as of late, but then we had company in town and following that went on vacation - so 3 weeks of nights where I"m with people who are drinking and of course I drank too. My problem got worse very quickly and I woke up this morning realizing my memories of last nite are very faint, and I don't remember going to bed at all.

                          I just ordered a book some one recommended - Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Drinking. It had a lot of good reviews on Amazon, although I ended up ordering it from Barnes and Noble because Amazon said it would not ship for 2 weeks. I take the kudzu now and have noticed some benefit and I'm also going to order the l-glutamine (sp?) that everyone is recommending.

                          I am shooting for an AF nite tonight. I hope to just get my boys involved in some sort of physical activity - maybe the pool or a bike ride - which i always find very helpful. It is so much harder to quit I think when you have kids because you can't just take a walk whenever you want! A couple nights when I did not have the kids recently I just stayed on the couch and read my book ALL nite. That kept my mind occupied and I managed to not drink at all.

                          My bf is very tired of my drinking as well - he is very supportive of my efforts to reduce/quit AL but he has begun really obsessing about it. Constantly asking how much I drank the previous night, always asking what he can do to help, etc. It is incredibly stressful to me although i totally understand it as I tend to get quite drunk around him on the nights I don't have my boys.

                          Anyway, this is much longer than I had intended. I will be thinking of everyone today and I wish you all the best of luck!


                            failing sadly

                            hi struggles again,sometimes we forget who we respond to,i did not forget you,but your name suits many of us,ive also struggled lately,last weekend,party,didnt drink but it was hard,even after 10 months of AF,some of us never lern,but we can pluck along,and even if we crumble we seem to pick are selves up again,the ones i feel for are the llost ones that cant get here or are to stubborn to no they have a problem,its not if you drink,its how you handle it,that is probably our biggest problem,we sometimes dont no when to stop,ive found this place,great support,also online AA,ITS ALSO VERY INTERESTIN,but some of us will never xcept were alchoholic,i seem to be one of them,i can stop never had a problem,its stayin stopped,again another party this weekend,family,they all drink,and there not gonna stop for me,hope u have a great weekend gyco


                              failing sadly

                              Welcome Stuggles,

                              Jessie, I loved your post and its so true. I found myself the other day telling two close friends that I am not drinking this month and their response was amazing!

                              "You can create for yourself
                              a garden of bliss
                              if you believe in it.
                              And you can create for yourself
                              intolerable suffering
                              if you believe
                              that it is necessary.."

                              Struggles, I Hope your journey begins soon!

                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                                failing sadly

                                AAthlete;367751 wrote: Struggles, my guess is that you are drinking even more is to try and bury the remorse you feel for not being there for your BF, right? It's easy to get sucked into the endless cycle of guilt, self-pity and drinking and as KateH1 said you've got some serious decisions to make.

                                You've got access to the website, you've got access to the supps, and you've got access to the book. The choice is now yours and yours alone as to whether or not you want to get sober. Remember that alcoholism is a progressive disease, and over time almost always gets worse, never better.

                                As you mentioned, you've not been here since you've joined. Talking to people about the problems in your life (whether they are alcohol-related or not) can make a huge difference. I credit opening up to others and finally admitting my problem was THE turning point in my sobriety. Remember we are all here to help...

                                I agree with you AAthlete .... you speak for most of us and wise words... opening up and sharing helped me to realise I am not alone and should not be ashamed...can you admit to your bf that you have a problem? and treat it as a medical problem ...if you broke your leg it would be a surgical problem and not a stigma...

                                pm me if you need support.
                                Good Luck
                                ?We are one another's angels?
                                Sober since 29/04/2007

