Trying to be strong on day 2
Again, thanks to all for the words of encouragement. I believe with the help of our group I can do this. Daisydo hit it right on the head. How amazing considering she doesn't know my recent past. I am BORED!! I was health care administrator who was forced out two years ago. My job was my life. I not only am an alcoholic but I was a workaholic. The transition to stay at home, empty nester has been the hardest thing I've faced. I was diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer two years ago, underwent mastectomies and lots of follow up stuff and still could only think of returning to my "old" job. I consider volunteering but am scared someone will discover my alcohol dependancy. Today is a better day, I feel strong with all your support and although I followed my "regular routine" of a swig or two of Vodka before 8 a.m. I sealed it up and told myself I can do it. :thanks: