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Withdrawl sysmptoms

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    Withdrawl sysmptoms

    I have a question related to this...

    If you can go 2-3 days without drinking with no serious withdrawal symptoms am i correct in assuming that none will appear? (The shakes, sweating, nausea, etc.)


      Withdrawl sysmptoms

      Wanted to put my input on this, since monday Ive had one glass wine where I would usually have drunk about 6 bottles by now. Ive noticed that when I go to bed on the 2 bottles wine per night, Im waking up shaking and with headache.. but no cold sweats. The past two mornings Ive woken up shivering and absolutely drenched in sweat.. literally puddles of it.
      So maybe that means that the cold sweats are a withdrawal symptom, since I dont seem to get them whilst on the wine.
      ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


        Withdrawl sysmptoms

        Hi and welcome :welcome:
        The sweating and shaking sound like withdrawel symptoms. If your body has been so used to drinking constantly then it is probably getting used to the change of suddenly going cold turkey.
        You have come to the right place for help and support, the people here have been so kind and welcoming to me and it helps me to stay on track, I hope that it will be the same for you too

        Take care x :goodjob:
        AF since 19th August 2008! :yay::yay::wings::yay:


          Withdrawl sysmptoms

          Hi Chelle

          I also get the mad sweats when coming of Al- but I think it is a good sign as it is actually Al coming out- or your body detoxing.

          So more a sign to rejoice than worry although it can be very inconvenient at the time.


            Withdrawl sysmptoms

            Well sounds like you got some good advice here.

            No need to feel ashamed with doctor. I agree that asking for advice off the record is a good idea.

            Now about your headaches... sounds like you are really dehydrated. I am not an expert on this but I think drinks with caffeine are deyhdrating so no your diet pepsi does not count.

            Maybe try something like iced tea? Or put mint or lemon in your water to make it easier to drink? herbal teas would count toward water intake. Every time you drink something with caffeine, like coffee, have one glass of water to replace it, on top of the 8 glasses a day you should have anyway.


              Withdrawl sysmptoms

              Nan and all, my prayers are with you right now! I am going thru my own withdrawals - 4rth day AF after a binge of 10-20 beers a day for two weeks. Prior to that, was always drinking, with every few days off.

              I really want to say that I agree so much with all of you that we shouldn't be ashamed to go to the Dr and it is best to do so, but I personally have gone to the Dr with my problem and she totally didn't understand, treated me like a leper, I felt even worse. Yes, it's best to find another Dr., but that's not going to help me today, this minute. So, what I'm saying is, Nan, I understand if you are afraid to go to the Dr. Going is the best thing, but take care of yourself anyway you can, regardless.

              This is the fourth time I've seriously tried to quit or tone down the drinking, so I've had some withdrawal symptoms before. Before, I had the goal of moderating. I know know that it's gotta be AFFL (AF for Life) for me, I creep back to A even higher otherwise. The past few days, I've had the headache, a little nausea, and, most notably, night sweats. That's how my body responds, anywyay. The good news is that it gets better! Today, I feel SO much better. I am drinking water constantly and babying myself with excellent food - my favorite healthy food with protein - sushi. If you want to nap, nap, do anything EXCEPT drink or do unhealthy things. You are doing a great thing and you should be proud of it. I am rooting for you, for all of you!


                Withdrawl sysmptoms

                Hi Nan and friends... I've read through the string and learned so much for myself! Was AF 3 days last week and then slipped... AF again this week and more determined than ever. I don't drink anything with caffeine, just herbal teas, water and sparking water so I haven't had some of the symptoms being described. For me, the night sweats seem to be normal - menopause will do that. Sleep has been an issue but last night I had chamomile tea before bed and one Gravol... slept until 4 a.m. when the mobile phone battery died and starting beeping! No-one has mentioned exercise as a way to detox and calm jitters... I think that is the major help for me.... long walk with dog and hubby plus stretching, swimming, etc... that and reading a good book instead of vegging in front of tv. JMHO. Best wishes Nan - we're all in this together!
                Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. -- Nelson Mandala 1994


                  Withdrawl sysmptoms

                  Hey Madge,
                  How is hubby handling your situation? Mine acutally offered me my first beer last night! I think it was to acknowledge that fact that I cut my consumption in half within a day.

                  I am still at half, but going to try for less tonight. Can't wait for book and supps. They just shipped, so by this time next week I will be armed!

                  Best of luck to us all!
                  We may not get there today, we may not get there tomorrow.
                  We will not get there in a straight line but.....WE WILL GET THERE!


                    Withdrawl sysmptoms

                    All, remember, you slip, it's ok, you get up and keep moving forward! Just don't stay down and you're still a winner.


                      Withdrawl sysmptoms

                      Attached files [img]/converted_files/590349=3771-attachment.jpg[/img]
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

