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Heart rate is eratick while trying to sleep!

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    Heart rate is eratick while trying to sleep!

    Lestat, not to scare you, but you may be in atrial fib which is often caused by drinking and is a serious condition, needs to be treated. The irregular heartbeating can cause the blood to "pool" and not flow smoothly which may cause stroke. When this happens again, you should go to the ER to get checked out, it may not be AF but if it is you need to be treated asap. Oh yeah, you also need to find another doctor.


      Heart rate is eratick while trying to sleep!

      My heart is beating all over the place now and I'm quite short of breathe I just figured it was my body dealing with detox. Yesterday was my first AF day in a long time.


        Heart rate is eratick while trying to sleep!

        Pyes, that is normal. I know it's awful having been there many a time myself. taking supplements of
        magnesium (350mg per day) will help. also no-flush niacin and calcium.
        it will go away completely in a couple days and will gradually get better in that time. good sleep will come in my experience after 4+ days. hang in there!
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Heart rate is eratick while trying to sleep!

          I believe that " Evening Primrose "is good for calming you down. It's part of the MWO sups. including Kudzu. IAD.
          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
          Dr. Seuss


            Heart rate is eratick while trying to sleep!

            I had the same problem, mine actually sounded exactly the same as bestlife. I have beeen AF for 28 days and no more issues. I wore the monitor and did the whole thing too. I can say I do remember waking up with the pounding and everything was intensified when I was drinking. My father died at a young age of heart disease but he drank too. I would get checked out by a good Dr., but being AF will make a huge difference.


              Heart rate is eratick while trying to sleep!

              low blood sugar

              I f I wake up and my heart is racing I go to frig drink a big glass of milk and my heart stops racing in about 3 mins and then I can go back to sleep, alcohol has a lot of sugar in it and during the night your blood sugar can crash so you need sugar and protein, that is why I drink milk, it has both, not sure if that is your problem but it is worth a try



                Heart rate is eratick while trying to sleep!

                Thanks Plumeria,
                I'll try that one next time it happens to me!
                Over a dinner conversation recently some friends were discussing why they do not drink red wine any more.. it is because of the additives - all of them experienced waking in the night with racing pounding heart after drinking red wine. None of them are heavy drinkers so I was impressed. I notice I have a particularly bad night if I drink red wine so I know I MUST stay away from it.
                Thanks all for the advice above too.


                  Heart rate is eratick while trying to sleep!

                  I have just been detoxing after a serious binge (two 750ml bottles of Vodka in roughly 24 hours). My heart was hammering away just after midnight (about 12 hours in), I could hardly walk this morning but I know it's going to get better, so long as I don't have another drink!


                    Heart rate is eratick while trying to sleep!

                    Help !!!!!! my heart beat is eratic too !! Ha! IAD. ( Just jokeing....I know it can be a problem for many after withdrawls.....try the supps they can help. IAD)
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      Heart rate is eratick while trying to sleep!

                      IAD;444060 wrote: Help !!!!!! my heart beat is eratic too !! Ha! IAD. ( Just jokeing....I know it can be a problem for many after withdrawls.....try the supps they can help. IAD)
                      Damn IAD! (I don't mean to crash this thread ):H

                      sounds like anxiety. could be detox or maybe something physiological. you need a new MD
                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                        Heart rate is eratick while trying to sleep!

                        Your right that I don't drink I've found out that I'm crazy !! Ha!
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          Heart rate is eratick while trying to sleep!

                          Lestat, this is nothing to mess around with. I like Best have PVC's. And like Det, have had troubles with it when detoxing.

                          I was told by my MD that stress, nicotine, Al, caffeine all can cause this to happen.

                          I have a wee bit of medical training, I felt I had a valid complaint when I went....if I went to my MD and he/she sniggered, I'd find a new one and fast.

                          There have been studies that long term AL abuse damages heart tissue, especially in women. I think I posted a link to one months ago, I'll see if I can find it and bump it. I'll let you know where it is.

                          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                            Heart rate is eratick while trying to sleep!

                            The link to the article is no longer good. The term I was thinking of is alcoholic cardiomyopathy. Google that for more info. Good luck, omw
                            Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                              Heart rate is eratick while trying to sleep!

                              hi lestat,frightning NOT hahahah,frikkin clown with fangs i like it,AL as som say will eventually play triks on the mind,when releasing ones self from it should be gradual,truth of it is,most lie to there doctors,from embarassment,what you feell is a norm,if it worsens see the doc,and he or she will give you more pills to bring you down slowly,but then you have to get off them,which could be a task in its self,good luck to you gyco


                                Heart rate is eratick while trying to sleep!

                                Trixie.....really I'm ok....I like to play around. I'm ok. It's just great to be AF ! Good Luck on your Endevor! IAD.
                                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                                Dr. Seuss

